You can get poisoned with alcohol not only in case of exceeding the permissible dose, but also when using low-quality drinks made by artisanal methods. In case of intoxication, assistance should be provided to the victim immediately to reduce the negative consequences. Consider how to treat alcohol intoxication at home.
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Symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning
The cause of alcohol intoxication is the detrimental effect of ethyl alcohol on the liver. With an increased concentration of this substance, the body ceases to cope with its functions, and poisoning occurs. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed, and the central nervous system also suffers.
Symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear depending on the severity of the disease.
Intoxication with alcohol is:
- mild, accompanied by a feeling of euphoria, redness of the skin and dilated pupils;
- moderate, causing impaired coordination of movements, respiratory failure, nausea and vomiting;
- severe when severe vomiting occurs, convulsions, asthma attacks and heart rhythm disturbed.
In the best case, the consequence of alcohol poisoning is a severe hangover the next day, and in the worst - a fatal outcome.
First aid for ailment
To avoid the development of complications, assistance to the victim of exposure to strong drinks should be provided immediately after the onset of the first symptoms.
When a person is conscious, it is necessary to induce vomiting with a soda or manganese solution, and you can also dilute a small amount of Enterosgel in water.
When the stomach is rinsed, activated charcoal should be given to the victim. If the release of vomit was multiple and abundant, you will need to water it with Dividron diluted in water. In the case when the drug was not at hand, it is permissible to use a weak saline solution.
If the victim is unconscious, the main thing is to prevent the tongue from sinking and the penetration of vomit into the airways. For this patient, you need to turn on its side.
What else can be done by assisting with alcohol poisoning to alleviate the condition:
- open the windows in the room, providing air flow;
- release the victim from the restraining movement of clothes;
- give him sniff ammonia by dropping it on a cotton wool in small quantities;
- wash the poisoned person with cool water.
If vomiting does not stop, apply ice to the back of your head or rinse your head under a stream of cold water. In this case, it is forbidden to take food or drinks until relief comes.
Attention! In case of alcohol poisoning, you can not take an ice shower, drink strong tea, coffee or sedatives.
Home treatment
After first aid, the patient will need additional treatment. It consists in cleansing the body, restoring water balance and preventing dangerous consequences. Consider each step in detail.
Cleansing the body with alcohol poisoning by pharmacy drugs
After poisoning with ethyl alcohol, toxins are present in the blood for some time. To remove hazardous substances, you need to take activated charcoal in tablets, Smecta or other sorbent preparations. And also help green tea, which has pronounced antioxidant properties, and a decoction of chamomile.
Recovery of water-salt balance
Alcohol has a strong diuretic effect, and vomiting that occurs during intoxication gradually dehydrates the body. In the treatment of this phenomenon, it is necessary to replenish the balance of water, salts and minerals. For these purposes, compounds with chlorine, potassium and sodium, such as Hydrovit and Regidron, are used.
In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, you can give the patient a mineral water or lemon juice diluted with water.
Homeopathy as a method of struggle
As an additional treatment in order to eliminate serious consequences and complications, homeopathic remedies can be used. They will support the immune system and help speed up the recovery process.
The most common drugs that are effective in the treatment of alcohol intoxication and a severe hangover include Anti-E and Proproten-100.
On a note. These drugs can also be used as prophylactic agents to prevent alcohol poisoning.
Recipes of traditional medicine for alcohol intoxication
In the treatment of ethyl intoxication, you can use the popular therapeutic agents prepared according to the recipes of traditional medicine.
What to do with alcohol poisoning:
- mix 10 drops of ammonia with a glass of water;
- dilute in warm water a small amount of potato starch;
- pour a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into 150 ml of water;
- make a decoction of tansy and chamomile in a proportion of 30 g per 150 ml of water;
- make tea from grated or dried ginger;
- prepare a drink with 50 g of marshmallow and 300 ml of boiling water;
- boil for half an hour 2 tablespoons of dried dill in 2 cups boiling water, and then add honey.
To eliminate nausea, you need to drink lemon juice dissolved in water or weak green tea without sugar.
What to do with a hangover
Even under the condition of timely assistance with alcohol poisoning, the malaise the next day can not be avoided.Today in pharmacies there are many drugs that promise "fun without a hangover", and choosing the right one will not be difficult. And if you have a headache, you should get analgesics. The main thing is to carefully study the list of contraindications and follow the instructions attached to the medicine.
In addition to medications, you can use alternative methods of dealing with a hangover:
- Go out into the fresh air or open the windows in the room.
- Take a sorbent drug.
- Drink hot sweet tea with lemon or rosehip broth.
- Prepare a “cocktail” of tomato juice, eggs and 5 ml of table vinegar.
- Drink orange or apple juice.
- Drink mineral water, kefir, ayran, cucumber and cabbage brine.
- Get up under a contrast shower.
Attention! With a hangover, it is forbidden to drink coffee and energy drinks, take a hot bath or visit the bathhouse. These measures will negatively affect the work of the heart and blood vessels and can lead to a sharp jump in pressure and worsening of the condition, up to a stroke.
Possible complications
The most dangerous complication of ethyl intoxication is alcoholic coma.
The following symptoms indicate the approach of a dangerous condition:
- narrowing of the pupils;
- copious salivation;
- respiratory failure and wheezing;
- bluish complexion;
- incoherent speech;
- confusion.
The insidious coma lies in the fact that the victim is often mistaken for a sleeping person. In fact, this is a deep swoon, gradually turning into a coma.
You can recognize it by the following signs:
- the pupils do not respond to light and are abnormally narrowed;
- eyeballs are motionless;
- the eyelids do not close at the touch;
- the pulse is threadlike and poorly audible;
- breathing is weak and shallow;
- blood pressure and body temperature are reduced;
- involuntary urination and bowel movements are observed.
It is possible to get a person out of a borderline state only in the intensive care unit, while the chances of successful treatment are very small.
Other dangerous consequences of ethanol poisoning include the following conditions:
- lesions of the central nervous system;
- respiratory arrest;
- tongue retraction;
- heart failure;
- digestive disorders
Such violations lead to the death of the victim if assistance was not provided on time and the patient was not placed in a hospital or intensive care unit.
Prevention of alcohol poisoning
The easiest way to prevent alcohol poisoning is to not drink strong drinks at all. But many people are accustomed to resorting to libations, profuse or moderate, for various reasons, be it joy, sorrow, fatigue, or just boredom.
If it is impossible to completely exclude alcohol, you will need to adhere to some principles when drinking alcohol:
- Get strong drinks only at trusted retailers.
- Check for excise stamps and storage terms.
- Do not drink alcohol whose odor or taste contains impurities, even if it was purchased in a store with a good reputation, and packaging meets the standards.
- Avoid the use of handicraft products. This applies not only to moonshine, but also to a variety of wines, liquors and tinctures.
- In the process of "libations" do not mix different types of alcohol, especially if their strength is significantly different.
- Drink alcohol with meals and never drink on an empty stomach.
- To drink strong drinks with juices, compotes or fruit drinks.
- During the celebration, smoking is less, and it is better to give up cigarettes altogether.
- Control the amount of drink and try not to exceed the norm.
- Stop drinking alcohol if you experience nausea, dizziness, and other ailments associated with severe intoxication.
- To completely exclude alcohol, if at the moment, for one reason or another, you have to take medications.
It is important to remember that a violation of the "drinking culture" is fraught not only with severe intoxication and a heavy hangover in the morning. Excessive libations can cause serious health problems and lead to premature death.