Actovegin tablets refers to the group of antihypoxic drugs that contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, glucose. A medication is used for vascular diseases caused by their narrowing.
Material Content:
Composition and form of release
Actovegin is produced by a pharmaceutical company in Austria in the following forms:
- gels;
- ointments;
- cream;
- injection solution;
- pills.
In all dosage forms there is one active substance - deproteinized hemoderivative of blood of calves feeding exclusively milk. Blood undergoes deproteinization, during which it is purified from large proteins.
Biologically active molecules obtained during the procedure stimulate the metabolic processes of any organ. Moreover, with deproteinization, substances are obtained that do not contain large protein, which do not cause allergies.
The deproteinized hemoderivative is determined by the instructions for use as “Actovegin concentrate”, which contains 200 mg in tablet form.
In addition to it, the following auxiliary components are in capsules:
- talc;
- cellulose;
- magnesium stearate;
- povidone;
- dye;
- sucrose.
The tablets are enteric coated. It protects the medicine from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
Why is the drug prescribed in tablets?
Actovegin tablets are prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:
- encephalopathy;
- head injuries;
- burns;
- polyneuropathy;
- a stroke;
- neuropathy;
- impaired regeneration;
- radiation damage to the skin;
- impaired blood circulation.
The drug activates metabolic processes, increases cellular resistance to hypoxia, normalizes blood circulation.
Actovegin is a regeneration stimulant that has the following effects on the body:
- increases oxygen assimilation;
- allows the formation of ATP, acetylcholine in the cells of the brain;
- improves glucose penetration into neurons;
- improves brain cell nutrition;
- is a powerful antioxidant;
- beneficial effect on liver and heart cells.
Against the background of treatment with Actovegin, oxygen saturation of organs is normalized. The fast healing of ulcerative processes is noted. The medication is prescribed including for patients with diabetes mellitus.
Instructions for use Actovegin for children and adults
The tablet form of the drug is recommended for the treatment of pathologies of mild to moderate severity. In the complicated course of the disease, the drug is first administered intramuscularly. After feeling better, injections are canceled, Actovegin is prescribed in tablets.
The drug is drunk half an hour before a meal. The drug is better not to grind and not chew. If the medicine is prescribed for children, then it is allowed to divide in half, quarter. Dosage is determined by the doctor. Each part is dissolved in water and given in diluted form.
Important! The doctor is responsible for determining the dosage and duration of treatment based on the condition of the patient, his age.
Adult patients are usually prescribed to drink 2 tablets. three times a day. For preventive purposes - 1 table. 3 times a day. If there is evidence, Actovegin can be used from the first day of life. This usually happens when the baby experiences hypoxia during childbirth.
Kids are prescribed half or quarter three times a day. The usual course of treatment lasts a month. Perhaps its increase to 6 weeks. If therapy is carried out less than the specified period, then the therapeutic result does not develop.
During pregnancy and lactation
Actovegin during pregnancy is recommended to optimize the condition of the placenta. As a result of improving its blood supply, the fetus receives a greater amount of nutrition, oxygen, and the possibility of thrombosis in the placental vessels is minimized. When treating a pregnant woman with Actovegin, daily medical monitoring is important in order to timely notice a change in the patient's condition. During breastfeeding, it is possible to carry out treatment with the drug: it will not harm the baby.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Actovegin is usually well tolerated by patients. An absolute contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active substance.
The drug in tablets is prescribed with caution in the following cases:
- with heart failure;
- pulmonary edema;
- with renal pathologies;
- anuria
- tendency to edema;
- diabetes mellitus;
- high blood glucose.
Side effects can sometimes develop in the form of the following reaction from the body:
- puffiness of the skin;
- rapid breathing syndrome;
- nausea
- anaphylactic shock;
- sore throat;
- weaknesses;
- loose stool;
- acrocyanosis;
- headaches;
- pallor of the skin;
- tremor of limbs;
- muscle aches;
- urticaria;
- elevated temperature;
- asthma attacks;
- arterial hypertension;
- pain in the abdomen;
- increased sweating.
If the indicated symptoms appear against the background of the use of Actovegin, then you should stop taking it and consult a doctor. With an overdose, a more vivid manifestation of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract is possible. In this case, symptomatic therapy is necessary.
Actovegin analogs in tablets
If it is impossible to take the drug, the following Actovegin analogs in tablets are prescribed:
- Solcoseryl, which helps to saturate the brain with oxygen, improves blood circulation;
- Cortexin is prescribed for VSD, impaired memory, thinking;
- Curantil is often used to prevent thrombosis;
- Noben, which treats the psycho-organic syndrome against the background of impaired circulation of the brain;
- Dipyridamole is prescribed to eliminate venous, arterial thrombosis;
- Divaza, which provides recovery of the central nervous system as a result of injuries;
- Mexidol, used to treat circulatory disorders due to injuries, VVD, encephalopathy.
Actovegin tablets refers to the modern drugs used for children and adults, which improves blood circulation. The selection of drug analogues should only be done by a doctor who will assess the patient's condition.