Actovegin is a drug designed to improve tissue trophism. Its active ingredients have a powerful antihypoxic effect. As a result, against the background of taking the medication, a stable saturation of the body cells with oxygen is observed. The drug should be prescribed only if there are indications for its use. From pharmacies, it is sold strictly according to the prescription.

The composition and form of the drug

"Actovegin" is a natural product. It does not include chemically synthesized active ingredients, but a natural substance - deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood. This compound has a therapeutic effect on the human body.

The active substance of the drug is obtained by removing large protein molecules from the blood. This process is called deproteinization. The remaining molecules have unique properties. They are able to activate metabolic processes in people, without causing any allergic reactions.

Actovegin is available in several forms. The choice of the desired variation is carried out by the doctor taking into account the patient's condition and the desired goal.

  1. Tablets for systemic effects on the body when taken orally. The composition includes 200 mg of the active ingredient.
  2. Solution for injection, available in ampoules of different volumes (2, 5, 10 ml). For 1 ml of the drug, 40 mg of deproteinized hemoderivat is accounted for.
  3. Solution for infusion. Two options are possible: dissolution of the active substance in dextrose (4 mg / l, 10% solution) or in sodium chloride (4 mg / l, 10% solution or 8 mg / l, 20% solution).
  4. Ointment and cream. Designed for external use. 100 ml of the finished product accounts for 5 ml of the active ingredient.
  5. Gel. A more effective tool for external use. 100 ml of the gel contains 20 mg of the active component (the concentration of the active substance is 20%).

Important. Drug solutions are sold ready-made. Additionally, they do not need to be bred.

It is enough to open the ampoule or vial and administer the medicine intravenously or intramuscularly, depending on the chosen form.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Actovegin is a drug that has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Its active substance stimulates the enhanced production of ATP - the main energy unit of the human body. As a result, the intensity of metabolic processes increases, the cells begin to receive more nutrients, the function of gas exchange at the cellular and tissue level improves. The above processes are started with the active involvement of glucose in the bloodstream in the metabolism. Against the background of taking the drug, not only oxygen starvation is eliminated, but also the resistance of cellular structures to the effects of adverse factors increases.

The work of the drug is carried out simultaneously in several directions.

  1. Stimulation of the formation of new blood vessels and branching of small capillaries. As a result, a dense network develops, providing high-quality blood supply to each organ and peripheral tissues.
  2. The initiation of cell division. Against the background of taking the medicine, tissues begin to be actively updated. In this case, part of the new undifferentiated cells can migrate. This explains the restoration of damaged tissue fragments.
  3. Acceleration of the healing of the external integument. "Actovegin" stimulates tissue regeneration, therefore, contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, the disappearance of abrasions. Even if a scar or scar remains on the surface of the epidermis, its size will be small.
  4. Activation of tissue respiration. When using the medication, oxygen transferred by red blood cells with the help of hemoglobin molecules enters the cells in full. This means that the tissue will not suffer from hypoxia.
  5. The inclusion of glucose in the metabolism. With a pronounced lack of oxygen, cells begin to die. Actovegin is able to prevent this due to the fact that glucose required to normalize tissue respiration will be effectively included in the metabolic process.

The effect of taking the medication develops on average 30 minutes after the active substance enters the body. The highest concentration of the drug is noted after 3 hours. Further, its amount in the systemic circulation and tissues gradually decreases.

It is not possible to study the mechanisms of drug elimination from the body.

Specialists cannot track the path of the active component, since similar compounds are normally always present inside the human body. When using the medication, their concentration only increases.

Why is Actovegin prescribed to adults and children

"Actovegin" is a complex-acting medicine that affects the intensity of metabolism and blood circulation. It can be used in various situations for both children and adults. The form of release of the drug substance directly depends on the evidence.

Actovegin tablets are prescribed in the following conditions:

  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • disturbances in the structure of peripheral vessels;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • vascular pathology of the brain.

Indications for use of the option for external use are:

  • the need to treat the epidermis before a skin transplant (a medication in the form of a gel is used);
  • pressure sores prevention;
  • skin reactions to radiation;
  • weeping ulcers;
  • burns of any origin;
  • open inflammatory processes;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (abrasions, cuts, wounds).

Injections "Actovegin" or intravenous administration using droppers are indicated for:

  • burns with chemicals;
  • irradiation;
  • volume wounds and large abrasions;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • dementia and memory disorders;
  • TBI;
  • ischemic stroke.

The desired form of the drug is chosen together with the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine which version of the medication will lead to recovery faster.

Instructions for use of the drug

The rules for the use of Actovegin directly depend on the selected dosage form. A doctor will tell you more about the dosages and duration of the therapeutic course. This information is also in the annotation to the medication.

Actovegin tablets for oral administration

The peculiarity of funds for oral administration is the relatively slow appearance of a therapeutic effect compared to droppers or injections. For this reason, tablets are usually offered to patients at the final stages of treatment as an element of maintenance therapy. Perhaps the appointment of an oral form as an independent tool.

The tablets are swallowed whole and washed down with water. It is best to do this half an hour before a meal. The duration of the course usually varies from 1 to 1.5 months. This time is sufficient for the manifestation of an obvious therapeutic effect.

Dosage may vary depending on the diagnosis made by the doctor. Most often, adult patients are prescribed 1 to 2 tablets three times a day. The dose of medication for the child should be reduced. Usually, children are given ½ tablets twice or thrice a day.

Ointment and cream

When choosing topical agents, it is important to consider the type of wound whose surface will be treated. So, Actovegin ointment is excellent for dry wounds, abrasions, crusty, without exudation. The tool will accelerate healing and provide a descent of scabs without the formation of noticeable scars. The cream, on the contrary, is best used in the presence of wetting wounds with a moderate amount of exudate, since the substances from its composition form a protective film on the skin surface.

Doctors are convinced that both ointment and cream can be used in the final stages of wound treatment. Initially, especially if the damaged surface is wet, it is better to use a gel. The cream is transferred after the formation of a new layer of thin skin. After the formation of crusts, ointment is used.

  • The cream is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 2 or 3 times a day. The agent is applied in a thin layer and, if necessary, fixed on top with a bandage. If it is possible to refuse to close the wound, then it is worth using it, since in the open air the epidermis heals faster.
  • As soon as the surface of the wound is tightened, they switch to ointment. Before applying it, the epidermis is gently washed and treated with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). The ointment is used until complete healing twice a day.

Gel Actovegin

The gel-like product can even be applied to the surface of a volumetric wet wound. The medication will contribute to accelerated granulation - the process of thin skin formation.

Before applying the product, the wound must be prepared. It is important to remove excess exudate, dead tissue, pus.

This measure is necessary, since Actovegin does not have an antimicrobial effect. The gel cannot stop the inflammation if the wound is not clean enough. After the procedure, the wound surface is washed with an antiseptic, for example, “Chlorhexidine”. After purification, a gel is applied. Do this 2 to 3 times a day.

Otherwise, trophic ulcers are treated. With their treatment, the surface of the skin does not need preliminary cleansing. A gel is applied in a dense layer on the wound, and the problem area is covered with a gauze bandage on top.

Injections Actovegin

Injections are given at the very beginning of treatment, when it is important to achieve rapid improvement. For the introduction of the drug, the ampoules are opened and their contents are collected into the syringe. On the first day of therapy, 10 to 20 ml of a liquid is usually administered intravenously. Starting from the second day, the dose is reduced to 5 ml and they are allowed to inject rather than infusion.

Do not exceed the recommended volume for intramuscular administration. The active substance can irritate soft tissues near the injection site. In addition, injections "Actovegin" are considered one of the most painful. It is important to constantly choose new areas of the body for them - buttocks, shoulders, abdomen, hips.

During pregnancy and lactation

There is no direct ban on the use of the drug during child bearing or natural feeding, but doctors prescribe the medicine with caution. It is important to adequately assess the risks and start using Actovegin during pregnancy only if the benefit to the mother exceeds the possible negative consequences for the fetus.

Can I drink alcohol while taking the drug

Doctors are convinced that when using Actovegin, drinking alcohol should be abandoned. On the one hand, the medicine does not have a negative effect on the liver, so this gland does not become more vulnerable. However, on the other hand, alcohol prevents the healing of wounds, negatively affects the bloodstream, provoking a spasm of the vessels and narrowing of their lumen, entailing a decrease in the flow rate along them and subsequent hypoxia. It turns out that the effect of the use of a medication against the background of drinking alcohol will be noticeably reduced.

Drug interaction

There is no evidence of a possible negative effect of the Actovegin active substance on the effectiveness of any other medicines. The drug can be safely combined with other medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

An overdose of the drug is a rare phenomenon that is possible when using the medication in the form of tablets. Symptoms of excess active substance are nausea and vomiting, accompanied by pain in the stomach.

Doctors advise when the specified clinical picture appears, go to the hospital, where the patient will undergo gastric lavage. To protect the body from further absorption, you can drink any enterosorbent.

If the dosage of the drug is strictly observed, then the likelihood of side effects is minimized.

In rare cases, during therapy, the following occur:

  • itchy skin;
  • edema;
  • soreness;
  • allergic rashes.

The listed symptoms do not indicate intolerance to the drug. After a while, they disappear on their own. So, pain in the wound disappears after 20 to 30 minutes after applying the cream or gel.

"Actovegin" for local use has practically no contraindications, however, tablets can not always be taken.

They are not prescribed for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • oligourias;
  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Injections also have their own list of contraindications.

It included:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • heart failure;
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe edema;
  • oligouria.

In the absence of contraindications, Actovegin will be an excellent tool for normalizing metabolism and improving blood supply to individual organs and tissues.

Analogues of the drug Actovegin

Actovegin is an effective assistant for accelerating tissue healing and combating hypoxia, but in some cases, doctors make a choice in the direction of its analogues. Solcoseryl has a similar composition, but it costs more, therefore most often the choice is made in favor of the drug under discussion.

Other tablets and solutions with a similar effect, but with a different composition on the pharmaceutical market are not presented. A specialist will only be able to choose a local effect close in effect.

Taking into account the indications, ointments can be prescribed:

  • "Stizamet";
  • "Pyolysin";
  • Redecyl;
  • The Apropolis
  • "Vulnuzan."

Any of these funds can be purchased only by prescription. The specialist examines the patient and decides on the advisability of using Actovegin or one of its analogues. Such drugs quickly restore tissue trophism and eliminate the symptoms of hypoxia, and also protect cells from untimely death.