Most often, this drug is used for various poisonings, but lately there has been a lot of information that activated charcoal can be used for weight loss. Let's see if this is true.
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The main effects of coal on the body
Activated charcoal is prescribed for digestive disorders, infectious bowel diseases, in cases where it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins.
- It works most effectively with flatulence, stopping the processes of decay and fermentation in the digestive tract.
- The healing effect is carried out due to the general detoxification of the body, the drug removes free radicals.
- Regular intake of tablets improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver and slows down the aging process.
- Lowers bad cholesterol, leading to better brain and heart function.
As can be seen from all this, the drug does not have a fat-burning effect, and weight loss is based on cleansing the body and removing excess fluid.
The benefits and harms of activated carbon for weight loss
Cleansing the body with activated charcoal is, first of all, the ability to remove all the accumulated toxins that cause poor metabolism, and therefore excess weight.
When a person tries to lose weight, he changes his diet, and the use of pills helps him to rebuild faster and adapt to these changes.
But, despite all these positive points, you should use coal for weight loss with extreme caution.
The drug does not choose which substances it removes - good or bad, it removes both toxins and vitamins, minerals.
This leads to negative consequences:
- digestion is disturbed;
- there is heartburn, nausea, bloating;
- favorable microflora disappears.
There may also be metabolic problems, and a lack of vitamins will lead to various infections.
As a result, instead of getting rid of the hated kilos, you will get other, more serious problems.
Doctors do not deny the beneficial properties of coal and even recommend taking it, but you need to do it carefully, along with a complex of vitamins and minerals, but be sure to simply remove them from the body at different times before they can act.
The use of sorbent for weight loss
If you still decide to clean your body, and at the same time to establish metabolic processes, do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy for a sorbent. To get started, carefully read the information on how to take activated charcoal for weight loss. After all, the number of tablets taken depends on many factors.
Dosage and administration
To accurately calculate the required dosage, you need to know your weight and divide it by ten.
For example, if you weigh 70 kilograms, divide by ten, you get seven. This is the number of tablets you need to take per day.
If everything is clear with the dosage, then we proceed to the methods of administration. There are several of them.
- Drink pills only in the morning. You will need to start with just two tablets, every day, increasing the number until it reaches the extreme figure of the acceptable dosage.
- Another option is to cleanse the stomach before each meal. From here it is already clear that coal must be taken before meals, in about an hour. The total number of tablets is 10 pieces per day, but in no case do not take them immediately. Divide into several parts, for example, 3-4 tablets.
- There is also a very tough option - a week to sit only on water and activated carbon. Some say that over this period you can get rid of five kilograms. But in general, it looks a bit dubious. Of course, an organism devoid of food will begin to lose weight, but what can it lead to? Most likely, only to negative consequences.
Coal Recommendations
Losing weight with activated charcoal can be quite safe and even beneficial, because the drug itself is effective. The most important thing is to approach the reception without fanaticism and get acquainted with the recommendations.
- Be sure to divide the daily dose into several doses.
- There is no difference at what time to take the pills, but many argue that it is better after meals.
- If you do not know your exact weight, then use no more than 10 tablets per day. This does not apply to women whose weight is less than 50 kilograms.
- Weight loss should take a general course of two months. For ten days you drink coal, then rest for the same amount and repeat the action again.
- Remove any other medicines if you are taking charcoal. They still will not be of any benefit - the sorbent will remove them.
Activated carbon diet for 5, 10 days
Of course, you can’t get by with just one pill, you’ll still have to limit the supply of harmful products: sweets, pastries, alcohol, carbonated drinks and add at least a little sport to your daily routine.
A diet for five or ten days can be in two versions: drink coal as an addition to the main diet or observe severe starvation.
- If you decide to only help your body and at the same time limit the calorie content of the diet, then you need to take two tablets of coal on an empty stomach and drink plenty of water. On the day you need to use the calculated dose for your weight. The deadline is five or ten days.
- Those who are ready for radical measures will need 5-10 days, clean water and many tablets of sorbent. During this period, it is allowed to drink only water and coal, the intake of which should be divided several times.The total amount is calculated by weight.
Is it possible to lose weight with activated carbon: the opinion of doctors
With the advent of information about this method of losing weight, on the Internet you can find a variety of opinions of those who have already used the method, and divide them into categories:
- Positive and enthusiastic reviews. People claim that they have achieved a result, have actually lost weight and have not harmed their body.
- Good reviews, but with a small caveat. For example: the weight is gone, but there are consequences in the form of pain in the stomach, constipation or nausea.
- Negative reviews - there are among losing weight people and those who have not received a result and, perhaps, taking the drug had a negative effect on the body.
As for the opinion of the doctors, they did not come to a single conclusion. Half of them believe that it is impossible to reduce weight by taking activated carbon. The maximum that he is capable of is to clean the intestines.
The other part is sure that it may well contribute to getting rid of extra pounds, if you combine the reception with a diet. But, of course, both sides in no case recommend using tough methods.
Contraindications to the use of activated carbon
Despite the many positive aspects of the effect of the drug, it must be used carefully. Be sure to consult a doctor and find out if there are contraindications to taking the drug.
- It is forbidden to use coal for people with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and colitis.
- Pregnant women and children under 14 years old can drink coal, but not more than five days.
- Exclude the drug completely if you have constipation and dysbiosis.
- Internal bleeding, impaired metabolism, vitamin deficiency - all these are the reasons for the categorical rejection of the remedy.
- The simultaneous use of the sorbent along with other drugs that have a cleansing effect on the body is contraindicated.
The benefits of activated carbon, if used for its intended purpose, are undeniable. But to lay hopes on this drug in terms of weight loss is still not worth it. Long-term use of any sorbent is fraught with negative consequences, which are much more dangerous than the extra 3-5 kilos.