The value of the natural potential of fruits in the human diet lies not only in endless species and taste diversity, but also in the enormous healing power inherent in the chemical composition of fruits. A striking example is the beneficial properties of quince, a fruit tree with a healing effect.
And in its raw form, and as a culinary preparation, quince fruits are an inexhaustible source of healthy substances available at any time of the year.
Material Content:
The chemical composition and calorie content of quince
Quince is a tree or shrub on which the pear-shaped fruits of the same name ripen. The history of the use of fruit culture by people began in ancient times. And although mountain Armenia is considered to be the homeland of quince, today it can be found in almost any corner of the globe.
Large, apple-like fruits of yellow color have a delicate aroma and a specific aftertaste. However, in its raw form, quince is sour and tart, therefore unsuitable for food. The true taste of fruit opens only after preparing dishes based on them.
Even after thermal exposure, the useful properties of quince for the human body remain unchanged. Although in fairness it should be noted that in the treatment of certain diseases, the fruits are used only in fresh form.
The pharmacological value of quince is due to the richness of the chemical composition and the presence of:
- monosaccharides - glucose, fructose;
- organic acids - citric, fumaric, malic, chlorogenic, tartaric;
- vitamins - C, group B, PP, A, E, K;
- organic compounds - glycine, lysine, asparagine, arginine, histidine, serine, phenylalanine, valine, proline;
- biologically significant elements - cobalt, nickel, iron, manganese, potassium, titanium, aluminum, boron, copper, phosphorus and sodium;
- enanto-ethyl and pellargono-ethyl ether;
- protopectins;
- flavonoids (catechins);
- tannin compounds of tanides;
- dextrins;
- triglycerides;
- amygdalin glycoside;
- gums.
In addition, 100 g of quince contains 0.6 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat, 9.6 g of carbohydrates. The nutritional value of 100 g of fruit is 48 kcal.
Quince: types and their useful and medicinal properties
Picturesqueness, bright taste, useful properties and unpretentiousness in cultivation made quince a desired plant for most gardeners. Most often, in the home gardens you can find two types of fruit culture: ordinary quince - a tree with a lush crown, delicate white-pink flowers and large yellow fruits, and Japanese quince (henomeles) - a one and a half meter bush with dazzling bright coral flowers and small but very fragrant fruits.
Both ordinary and Japanese quinces have powerful healing powers, therefore, they are actively used in alternative medicine. For treatment, you can use all parts of the plant, but the fruits are considered the most effective.
The fruits of Japanese quince contain a record amount of vitamin C - they are used to enhance immunity. Due to the large amount of iron, quince helps with low hemoglobin or with exhaustion.
Juice from ripe quince fruits has diuretic and antiseptic properties, and also helps to cleanse vessels of sclerotic plaques.
Medicines prepared from quince are characterized by the universality of the therapeutic effect and are indicated for use as:
- laxative;
- antiemetic;
- antibacterial;
- expectorant;
- choleretic.
In addition, the use of quince fruits helps to eliminate toxins, normalizes digestion and ensures the regeneration of tissues of internal organs, including the liver.
For men
Regular consumption of quince is the best way to maintain men's health.
Vitamins, microelements and a huge amount of healthy substances in the composition of the fetus help normalize cortisol levels and increase stress resistance, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and potency, as well as stop the inflammatory processes in the prostate and urinary system.
Quince niacin promotes the synthesis of male hormones - testosterone, progesterone and insulin, restoring sexual desire. And vitamin PP has an effect on muscle growth, allowing bodybuilders to improve performance.
For women
Using the healing properties of quince for women is a great opportunity to maintain not only good health, but also an attractive appearance.
With the help of quince, women can:
- to normalize the hormonal background in the premenstrual and menopause;
- reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation;
- stop attacks of toxicosis and relieve swelling during pregnancy;
- stop uterine bleeding;
- increase metabolism and lose weight;
- stop inflammation with cystitis.
Many women use quince as the basis for cosmetic procedures - regeneration of epidermal cells and rejuvenation, lightening freckles, combating acne, neutralizing the oily sheen of the face, rinsing hair to eliminate gray hair.
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What diseases does quince help with?
In its healing potential, the use of quince is unique, since it provides a powerful healing effect on all systems of the human body.
Quince is recommended for use with:
- any diseases of blood vessels and heart;
- anemia;
- bronchial asthma;
- gastrointestinal tract pathology - constipation, flatulence, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, (with the exception of exacerbations), and gastritis,;
- inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
- cracks in the anus;
- flu and acute respiratory infections;
- obesity;
- dysfunction of the nervous system;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- urolithiasis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- metabolic disease.
Besides, Due to its rich chemical composition, quince slows down the aging process and prevents the formation of tumors.
Application in traditional medicine
Folk methods provide for various methods of processing quince - juices, decoctions, teas, infusions. At the same time, not only fruits are used as raw materials, but also seeds and leaves of the plant.
Freshly squeezed quince juice is indicated for gastrointestinal dysfunctions and as a diuretic.
Teas and infusions from quince leaves are a good remedy for suppressing attacks of bronchial cough. A glass of boiling water is taken on five pieces of leaves and insisted for about an hour. Drink several sips during an exacerbation of the disease.
In addition, tea from quince leaves is relevant for relieving edema in cardiovascular pathologies, and for restoring the functionality of the urinary system. Take tea several sips three times a day.
To treat cough, prepare a decoction from the seeds of the fetus. Seeds secrete mucus, which has a softening and enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and thus reduces coughing attacks.
A glass of warm water is taken per 10 g of seeds and insisted for half an hour, shaking occasionally. Take, as an expectorant, in the throat several times during the day. Also, mucus from the seeds is recommended for use with exacerbations of gastritis - by the throat half an hour after eating.
Decoctions and compotes with quince
To reduce the intensity of uterine bleeding, you should drink a decoction of pieces of ripe fruit. Half of the quince apple is crushed and filled with a glass of boiled water. Take a swig before meals. The same recipe is used to improve appetite.
Quince decoctions are indicated for compresses and lotions for burns, eye diseases, for relief of inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa and intestines, and for cracks in the anus.
Quince compotes are an effective remedy for anemia and impaired renal function. The washed and cut fruits are poured with boiling water and insisted for about an hour. Sugar is added to taste.
Quince jam: benefits and harms
Boiled quince fruits, as well as mashed potatoes or jam from it, help restore liver health - normalization of functions, cell regeneration or jaundice.
To make quince jam, you need to observe the following proportion: for 500 grams of pre-cut and boiled fruits, take four glasses of sugar and two glasses of water.
According to the same recipe, you can make jam if you grind quince through a non-metallic sieve.
The use of quince jam is not recommended for people with obesity and patients with diabetes mellitus - a large amount of sugar can worsen well-being.
Contraindications and possible harm
In some cases, the use of fresh quince can lead to the development of side effects.
The use of raw fruits is contraindicated in peptic ulcer, gastritis, chronic constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - astringent properties and the coarse structure of fresh fruits contribute to the fastening of the stool and irritate the intestinal mucosa.
In addition, quince irritates the vocal cords and is not recommended for use by people for whom the voice is a working tool.
When using Japanese quince, it should be remembered that the fruits can cause allergies. To avoid allergic reactions, it is necessary to limit a single dose to one quarter of the fetus.
After consuming any kind of fresh quince, gently rinse your mouth with clean water - this will avoid the destruction of enamel by the acid of the fruit.
When used wisely, the preservation and harvesting of quince will bring great benefits to the body and an unforgettable taste experience.