It often happens that a person combines drugs with alcoholic beverages. "Afobazol" refers to sedatives, and it, like other medicines, needs to be washed down. Today we will find out how Afobazole and alcohol, taken together, affect the body, which can very well be with nervous disorders and anxiety.

Compatibility "Afobazole" and alcohol

Many tranquilizers are contraindicated for alcoholic intoxication, since together they cause the effect of poisoning, which can end very sadly (even fatal). Since Afobazol belongs to a number of sedatives, everyone who is prescribed it is interested in the possibility of sharing it with alcohol.


According to the manufacturer, Afobazol and alcohol have no effect on each other. But we will try to nevertheless consider the issue more precisely, and for this we should carefully read the instructions for use of the medicine.

In the "Contraindicated" section you can find the following items:

  • intolerance to fabomotizole (this substance is the main active ingredient);
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Not a word has been said about the compatibility of Afobazole and alcohol, from which we can conclude that taking an anxiolytic drug for alcohol intoxication is possible. But nevertheless, one should not forget about the possible consequences of consuming such a “cocktail”; we will talk about them further.

The consequences of taking a tranquilizer with alcohol

A tranquilizer is included in complex therapy for diseases of the nervous system, internal organs, and the drug is also indicated for women with PMS and hormonal disruptions. Consider the effect on the body of co-administration of Afobazol tablets and alcohol in all cases.

With neurosis:

  1. Neuroses occur in people due to a malfunction in the functioning of the nervous system after suffering stress or during stable neuropsychic overloads. Often people try to relieve the strain of alcohol-containing drinks. Ethanol inhibits the central nervous system, tension and irritability go away. But this is only the beginning! In the future, if a person begins to abuse alcohol to calm down, the action becomes different. The course of the neurosis is only exacerbated due to the toxic effects of alcohol on brain neurons. When there is alcohol dependence, a person becomes angry, irritable, even aggressive.
  2. “Afobazole” does not depress the central nervous system, on the contrary, gently acting on it, activates the work. The sedative effect occurs for other reasons. It turns out that the tranquilizer and ethanol act oppositely to each other, and you do not have to wait for effectiveness from the treatment of neurosis.

PMS and hormonal disorders:

  1. Irritability, bad mood, anxiety in such conditions are quite understandable and normal, and it is dangerous to alleviate the condition with alcohol. Disruptions in the endocrine system will only be complicated by the use of alcohol. Ethanol is detrimental to neurons of the brain and nerve cells, it does not treat, but only temporarily improves the condition due to suppression of the central nervous system.
  2. Afobazol relieves the symptoms of hormonal rebellion and stabilizes mood in another way, without blocking the activity of the central nervous system. Again, the tranquilizer and ethanol are contrary to each other, and the positive effect of therapy will be simply invisible.

Diseases of the internal organs:

  1. Ethanol causes permanent damage to internal organs. Many people who suffer from various diseases feel relieved by drinking alcohol. This is due to the fact that alcohol initially dilates the blood vessels, and this plays an important role in improving blood circulation near the lesion site. And the more intense the blood circulation in the tissues, the faster healing begins. But the relief is temporary, because after the cessation of the effect of alcohol, the vessels narrow sharply, and this leads to a violation of normal blood circulation. As a result, the aggravation of diseases and the possible acquisition of new ones.
  2. Afobazole has a positive effect on the treatment of various organ diseases. It relieves nervous tension, has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels, and this favorably affects blood circulation. Ethanol can neutralize the action of Afobazole, so joint administration is unacceptable.

Afobazole and alcohol for any diseases should not be taken together. Ethanol blocks the effects of a tranquilizer; it itself negatively affects every cell in the body. Therefore, after drinking even a small amount of alcoholic disease worsen.

Skin diseases can serve as a striking example: taking “Afobazole” leads to a quick recovery, but its effect is blocked when taking alcohol, and the next day the exacerbation of the disease follows (patients note that the effectiveness of the treatment is reduced to zero).

It is impossible to take alcoholic beverages not only during treatment with Afobazole, but also several days before and after taking the drug.

How much can I drink alcoholic beverages

As it became clear from all of the above, a tranquilizer with alcoholic beverages is incompatible, since its effectiveness is reduced to zero. Therefore, in the treatment of any disease "Afobazolom" from alcohol should be completely abandoned.

As everyone knows, the effect of a tranquilizer does not last an hour or two, or even a day.If it was taken for the purpose of treatment with a course, and not for a one-time sedation, then you need to withstand at least two weeks without drinking.

It is during this time after treatment that Afobazole still has a therapeutic effect, and if it is stopped with ethanol, then the effect of the whole course may not be at all, it will be necessary to start all over again.

The drug will not affect the body, prone to alcohol intoxication. If an alcoholic drink was drunk, then the medicine is allowed to be taken after the blood is completely cleansed of ethanol, and this happens after 1-2 days (depending on the body).

It doesn’t matter if the drink was strong or weak, how much was drunk. It is necessary to wait for the recommended time.

Use for a hangover syndrome

There is a lot of information on the net that Afobazol helps relieve a hangover condition.

There are numerous reviews that the tranquilizer quickly removes the following symptoms:

  • disturbances in memory and attention;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • dry mouth
  • anxiety, a feeling of anxiety and fear;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia
  • abdominal pain.

But in fact, the drug begins to act only from 3-5 days with a daily intake. Therefore, Afobazol is suitable for relieving withdrawal symptoms, rather than as an ambulance for a hangover. A doctor can prescribe a course of a tranquilizer after binge, and it really will help.

To quickly overcome the effects of alcohol consumption, you need to eat salty broth, drink the tincture (on water) of St. John's wort. And also Mexidol and Pantogam preparations will help to quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms.


Pharmacists and doctors classify Afobazole as a low-toxic drug. This means that an overdose is extremely rare, but still happens when the recommended dosage is excessively exceeded.

With this phenomenon, the likelihood of a sedative effect is increased, therefore, the use of a tranquilizer with alcohol is dangerous, since the CNS suppressing effect becomes double (from the side of ethanol + Afobazol).

When a dose of Afobazole is exceeded, a person feels drowsiness, apathy. Relieve symptoms quickly does not work. It is necessary to give the patient more water to drink, but it is better for him to just get enough sleep, the effect of the tranquilizer is neutralized by itself.

Despite the fact that there are no contraindications to the use of alcohol prescribed in the abstract when taking Afobazole, it is not recommended to combine them. Ethanol is a strong poison that has a detrimental effect on all body tissues, including nerve cells. Afobazol was created to treat and restore the central nervous system, which is the opposite of alcohol.

Maintain your body, give up alcohol not only during treatment, but in general, because it is really the strongest toxin, significantly reducing life expectancy.