Modern life is, above all, stress. Traffic congestion and crowding in public transport, problems at work and fatigue in the family, domestic troubles - all this leads to depressive states. Fortunately, medicine has stepped forward so much that a remedy for the oppressed state was invented. Such pills or mixtures are quite capable of stopping stress, relieving anxiety, memory lapses and excessive anxiety. The advertised Afobazole also belongs to such funds.
But it is not always possible to use it. Maybe there is a product much cheaper with a similar effect or without components that cause you allergies? It would be surprising if no one came up with full or partial analogues of Afobazole. It is about them that we will be talking.
Material Content:
Composition, active ingredient Afobazole
The active substance of Afobazole tablets is benzimidazole dihydride chloride. The composition also includes a number of excipients: cellulose, povidone, magnesium stearate, milk sugar and potato starch.
The recipient may be allergic to additional substances from the composition, so you should be careful about your body in the first days of admission.
Actually, the reception itself lasts from 2 to 4 weeks, the effect of the drug accumulates.
It should be noted the selective action of the main active substance: not every patient will feel relief after completing the course. In addition, someone determines the effect immediately, and someone will need a long period for this.
Then why use this medicine massively? Yes, because Afobazole practically has no contraindications. It can be used even by women during pregnancy, the only restriction is not to use the medicine on the younger generation until the age of 18 due to the fragile psyche and difficult diagnosis at this age.
The medicine is available only in the form of tablets by the Russian company Pharmstandard. Actually, this is one of the reasons for the relatively inexpensive cost of the drug.
What helps antispasmodic
Afobazole has a fairly wide spectrum of action. It is not addictive, which in pharmacology is called "withdrawal syndrome", and therefore can be used in the fight against smoking.
But most often, an antispasmodic is used for minor mental disorders: signs of paranoia, suspiciousness, self-doubt, excessive emotionality or depression.
The advantage of the drug in a “soft” action. This is not a classic dangerous tranquilizer. This is an anxiolytic that helps people who find themselves in a difficult situation after an illness or any life event. The medication is indicated for people who have everything in order with the psyche, but under the influence of life factors who have encountered some problems.
Russian full analogues and substitutes for Afobazole
This group includes two well-known similar drugs.
- Fabomatizole
- Neurophazole.
Let's consider them in more detail.
Fabomatizole is the only domestic structural analogue of Afobazole. It is cheaper, but it has exactly the same effect. It is used to stop anxiety states, reduce or eliminate phobias, in case of sleep disturbances and small memory lapses. Fabomatizole is available in tablets and is used for the same purposes as Afobazole.
In addition, there is a drug Neurophazole, but it is not available in the form of tablets. This is a concentrate for the preparation of solutions that are used only in combination with other medicines. The main group of patients are people after ischemia, with Alzheimer's disease, who have undergone serious surgical interventions. This drug has the same active substance as Afobazole has the same composition and similar principle of action. The only difference is the use of neurophazole only in combination with other drugs, while Afobazole is most often used separately.
Incomplete structural substitutes for domestic production
In addition to the complete substitutes for Afobazole, there are also incomplete ones:
- Phenazepam;
- Mebicar;
- Tenothen.
Each of the listed funds has its own characteristics, instructions for use and indications. Let's consider in more detail.
Phenazepam is a drug that, like Afobazole, is used to treat mild mental disorders: feelings of anxiety, suspiciousness and phobias. Also, Phenazepam is used in preparing the patient for surgery.
On the other hand, Phenazepam has a much larger number of contraindications and side effects:
- The tool is not used if the patient is deeply depressed, it can not be given to people in a state of shock and patients with acute respiratory failure.
- This is increased drowsiness, fatigue, general weakness and dizziness.
In all respects, Afobazole is a milder drug, but on the other hand, Phenazepam is cheaper and its components are less likely to cause allergies in patients. When choosing analogues, it is worth considering the fact that it is impossible to use Phenazepam and alcoholic beverages at the same time. Afobazole does not interact with ethanol, although it is also not recommended to be taken while intoxicated.
The drug Mebikar has approximately the same effect.
Only it is much cheaper, but on the other hand, the side effects of the drug are much more serious:
- Medication can cause a decrease in body temperature.
- Possible respiratory cramps.
- Jumps in blood pressure may occur.
On the other hand, there is a medicine called Tenoten based on plant herbs. Tenoten is a mild sedative that is not able to help everyone, but it has almost no negative side effects. Another medicine has a natural basis - Persen.
Foreign analogues of Afobazole
The most popular foreign counterpart is the Belgian medicine Atarax. It has a similar effect, but the composition is different. The active substance of hydroxyzine hydrochloride helps not only with small deviations in the psyche, but also with a constant sense of anxiety, it is used to get rid of alcohol dependence, as well as with a number of neurological and somatic diseases.
There are a lot of side effects:
- allergenic reaction;
- vomiting
- changing the results of a number of analyzes.
Atarax with caution should be taken by people with heart or kidney failure. Patients with peripheral and galactose intolerance should not use this drug at all.
Another option is Adaptol. This is a complete analogue of Mebikar, which is produced in Latvia.
Lazeya is a drug manufactured in Germany. The main active ingredient is a concentrate of lavender oil.
Unlike Afobazole and its stronger analogues, this medicine is used exclusively for the treatment of:
- Moderate and weak psychological deviations.
- Mild forms of depression.
- Anxiety or constant tiredness.
It can be used when refusing cigarettes or alcohol, as well as in preparation for surgery or for the treatment of neurological disorders - it is impossible.
Side effects include only a small upset in the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to use the drug for people with fructose intolerance, and this is a very small percentage of the population. Another big plus of this medicine is the ability to take adolescents from 12 years old, which is impossible with Afobazole and other analogues.
Medicines similar in pharmacological properties
What is the meaning of drugs similar in pharmacological properties? This means that the effect of the drugs is similar to Afobazole, but the principle of action is completely different.
Such drugs are well-known tinctures of motherwort and Valerian root, as well as more modern medicines, for example, Diazepam.
Diazepam has a sedative and hypnotic effect. If Afobazole is good for the lack of drowsiness and the effect of addiction, then Diazepam is a more powerful tool that acts faster, but causes not just drowsiness, but a full sleep. Therefore, the drug is taken immediately before bedtime in order to spend the next day without unreasonable anxieties and worries.
Karmabazepine has a similar effect, but does this by normalizing nerve cells. The drug removes excessive excitement, which allows you to control the emotional state of the patient. This drug can relieve excessive anxiety, emotionality and cure mild forms of depression.
As a conclusion, it must be said that almost none of the listed drugs is dispensed without a prescription. Therefore, it is better to talk about choosing a medicine with your doctor. The information provided will make you quite savvy in the subject of the conversation, and you will be able to understand the effect of the medicine prescribed to you.