In household plots, you can often find not only decorative flowers, but also medicinal plants, which include spring adonis. Herbaceous perennial is a rare plant that is used in folk medicine.

Adonis spring - a description of a herbaceous plant

This plant with lovely yellow flowers is perennial and belongs to the ranunculaceae family. In common people in all parts of Russia, it was called the adonis.

  • The plant has a straight and smooth stem in height reaching half a meter. In the lower part of the stem there are small scales of a brownish hue, densely planted leaves and branches appear on the top of it. The leaves have a bright green color, oblong.
  • Perennial is gaining its growth rate gradually, before flowering it has a height of up to 30 cm. It grows up to 50 cm after releasing the seeds. There is a thin and fragile root system, which is easily preserved during the winter period. With the onset of spring, young shoots grow from the roots.
  • The flowering period occurs in the spring months, begins in May and lasts until the end of June. During flowering, Adonis produces single buds with a diameter of 2-8 cm yellow. Each bud is bordered with petals up to 25 pieces. The flowering period begins approximately 5-10 years after its germination.
  • After the growing season, in July, the perennial fruits appear, resembling the shape of nuts in diameter up to 5 mm. In each of them are seeds. The germination of adonis is very low. Often it is found in the steppes and forest-steppes of Siberia and in the Crimea.

Important! The spring Adonis plant is a rare and endangered species that is listed in the Red Book.

Varieties for open ground

All varieties of adonis are divided into perennials and annuals.

Annual plants include the following species:

  • Adonis is summer. An annual plant with bare and straight shoots 15–45 cm high. During flowering, it produces single flowers with a diameter of 2–4 cm in dark red color. The growing season begins in June and lasts until the end of August.
  • Adonis is autumn. Annual with straight stems up to 40 cm high. Has thin dissected leaves. During flowering, produces single flowers of yellow and red.

Perennial varieties of adonis include:

  • Volzhsky. The plant has erect, branched shoots up to 35-40 cm high. During the growing season, yellow flowers of a lilac hue appear along the edges. Green colored leaves are down.
  • Amursky. A small grassy bush up to 15 cm high. During flowering, produces golden flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. They persist for a month. After the growing season, dissected leaves appear in the plant.
  • Siberian. Variety in the form of a lush bush 50-60 cm in height. Flowering begins in May and lasts until July. Yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm.
  • Fluffy. The perennial has erect stems 10-15 cm high. During seed ripening, the bush reaches a height of 35 cm. On the stems there are fluffy scaly leaves. Flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm acquire a cream color.

In total, there are about 50 varieties of adonis in nature. The most famous species that is cultivated in the garden is adonis summer.

Planting a plant in the garden at the cottage

Landing in open ground can be done in early spring or autumn. Perennials are planted with seeds or already grown plants. Seeds are planted in the soil, deepened by 15 mm. Due to poor germination, they are often located, and after the appearance of sprouts, they are thinned out. The first shoots usually appear within a month.

In the first year of life, the plant appears on 2-3 leaves. It will strengthen the plant in 5 years. Then it can be planted on prepared beds for the design of flower beds and flower beds.

When planting adonis, you must adhere to the rules:

  1. The plant is photophilous, but tolerates partial shade. It is necessary to choose a sunny place, but without direct sunlight.
  2. It is better to choose a quiet corner, protected from winds and drafts.
  3. The plant prefers the earth loose, fertile, from the sheet earth, turf, sand and lime.
  4. During transplantation of plants, the distance between the bushes is at least 30 cm.
  5. Needs daily watering. To preserve moisture, you can mulch with sawdust or grass.

Important! For a better crop, it is better to use fresh seeds and plant in September. Planting seeds before winter will give greater germination of the medicinal herb.

Adonis spring care in the open ground

Adonis adonis spring is an unpretentious plant, although it requires some care for it in the first years of life.

  1. After planting in the ground, it is important to organize daily watering. Further watering the plant is necessary 1-2 times a week. In wet weather, it is better to refuse watering. In dry weather, you can increase the humidity with the help of bush irrigation. Spraying is best done early in the morning or in the evening.
  2. Timely loosen the soil around the bush, mulch to preserve moisture or spud up with earth.
  3. Remove weeds regularly.
  4. Fertilize with inorganic fertilizers a month after planting perennials in open ground. Further fertilizing is done in spring, autumn, and also during flowering. For adult bushes, wood ash is a suitable fertilizer.
  5. In winter, young seedlings must be covered with dry grass, branches, sawdust. Adult plants do not need shelter for the winter.

Adonis is a poisonous plant, therefore it is very rarely exposed to diseases and damage by harmful insects.

Herbaceous plant propagation

Propagation of herbaceous perennials is a laborious process. It can be propagated by seed and dividing the bush. In the first method, Adonis has a very small germination rate, and dividing the bush does not guarantee that the plant will take root, since it has a weak and fragile root system.


The seed method of planting annual species is best done in spring by following these steps:

  • prepare boxes with loose fertile soil;
  • deepen the seeds by 1-1.5 cm;
  • top boxes with glass or polyethylene;
  • daily moisturize and ventilate;
  • organize a temperature of at least 5-7 degrees;
  • after 20-25 days after germination, remove the film;
  • put boxes with seedlings in a lighted place.

In the future, plants need to be watered and loosened in a timely manner, up to planting on the site.

Rhizome division

Adonis can also be propagated by dividing the rhizome. For this, only adult bushes older than 5 years old are suitable. In general, rhizomes can be divided once every 10 years.

You can start the process of dividing the bush in early spring, before the active growth of the plant, or in early September.

To independently propagate a herbaceous plant in this way, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Carefully dig a bush from the ground along with an earthen lump without damaging the root system.
  2. To clean the roots, remove the rotten and diseased.
  3. With a sharp knife, divide the rhizome into several parts, so that each of them has roots and buds.
  4. The places of cuts should be treated with a special preparation.
  5. Plant in open ground, adhering to a certain interval.
  6. Further care should be carried out as for young seedlings.

Delenki is better to make large - small can die. After transplanting, the bushes are able to produce flowers, but they must be removed so that the plant does not spend on their nutrition the forces that are necessary for rooting and growth.

With timely care of Adonis spring, he will not only decorate the garden with early flowering, but also serve as a home healer against many diseases.