Apricot kernels are considered a well-known natural remedy for many problems, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied and used to treat various diseases, their prevention, as well as for cosmetic purposes. The plant nuclei contain a large number of active substances, which ensures the diversity of their use.
Material Content:
The chemical composition of apricot kernels
Apricot kernels are extremely rich in healthy substances.
These include:
- carbohydrates (di- and monosaccharides + starch);
- cellulose;
- organic acids;
- proteins;
- ash;
- fats
- potassium;
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- magnesium;
- sulfur;
- sodium;
- chlorine;
- silicon;
- zinc;
- iron;
- manganese;
- aluminum;
- boron;
- copper;
- vanadium;
- fluorine;
- molybdenum;
- nickel;
- cobalt;
- chromium;
- iodine;
- water.
The bones of this plant contain a large amount of vitamins.
They include:
- ascorbic acid (C);
- beta carotene;
- Vitamin E
- vitamin PP;
- niacin;
- pantothenic acid (B5);
- riboflavin (B2);
- pyridoxine (B6);
- thiamine (B1);
- vitamin A;
- folic acid (B9);
- biotin (H);
- vitamin B17.
The calorie content of the seeds is 44 kcal, which is not enough, given the amount of cellulose. This property is relevant for those who want to lose weight. A high potassium content ensures the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and pectin, flavonoids and inulin positively affect the condition of the skin.
Apricot kernels: benefits for the body
The benefits of apricot kernels for the body were known in ancient China. There they were valued higher than the pulp of the fruit. This is due to the high level of development of traditional medicine in China. They knew about the beneficial properties of the plant and knew how to use it to treat diseases.
What are the useful apricot kernel kernels
Substances in apricot kernels help stop the growth of malignant neoplasms, so it is used in oncology. Vitamin B17 contains cyanide, which inhibits metabolic processes in altered cells. This substance does not affect healthy tissues if consumed in small quantities.
Using the pulp of the seeds without preliminary heat treatment allows you to remove parasites from the body.
This is due to the action of cyanide, which they perceive as poison. To completely get rid of helminths, it is enough to eat 1-2 nucleoli.
In the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, it is useful to drink tea from apricot kernels. A large amount of potassium has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the main organ, which avoids arrhythmia and coronary disease. Inhaling a pair of broth helps with bronchitis and whooping cough. A vitamin cocktail in the composition of the nucleoli is relevant for vitamin deficiency.
Apricot kernels help establish the work of the digestive tract, eliminating flatulence and dysbiosis. They have a positive effect on the production of red blood cells, which prevents the development of anemia. Plant-based ointments are used for joint pathology and dermatological problems. As a prophylaxis, medicines based on apricot kernels are used for chronic diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver.
Apricot kernel oil
Apricot kernel oil is considered basic and is widely used in cosmetology. On its basis creams are developed, wraps are carried out and hair products are made. Squeezing from kernels and in cooking is widely used. The oil has a specific flavor, so it makes dishes especially delicious. Also, the product is suitable for aromatherapy - it is used as a base in which more odorous substances are added. This allows you to control their concentration in the air.
Useful properties of apricot kernel urbech
Apricot kernel urbech helps to replenish the supply of strength, and also suppresses the activity of the head centers. This allows him to be considered a dietary product that helps to lose weight. Another useful property is its effect on the respiratory system. It allows you to cope with cough, cure laryngitis and bronchitis.
Urbech has a positive effect on the excretory system. It helps to tidy up the kidneys when they are affected by their inflammatory process. The high content of vitamins, especially B17, allows the use of the apricot kernel derivative as a prophylaxis of cancerous tumors. Ubrech helps to survive physical stress and to overcome stress more easily. It accelerates recovery after exercise, which is especially important for athletes during the competition. Also, the use of apricot seeds helps to replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals with malnutrition. Therefore, they are recommended to people on a diet, vegetarians and raw foodists.
By acting on the gastrointestinal tract, urbec helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improving the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
It facilitates the work of the liver, allowing it to recover after exertion, such as holidays or long-term treatment with strong drugs (antibiotics, chemotherapy). Apricot kernels establish metabolic processes, which allows you to maintain optimal weight and well-being.
The combination of brew with honey gives a powerful charge of vitamins, which strengthens the immune system and helps fight viruses and bacteria. It also enhances the brain's ability to remember and concentrate.This helps to achieve new successes in training and career, as well as improves mood and vitality.
Application in traditional medicine
Traditional healers use apricot kernels as a support tool for cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the high content of potassium in them. For this, a handful of peeled nucleoli are poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to infuse for 30 minutes. The resulting tea is consumed three times a day, 70-100 ml. It helps keep the heart muscle in good shape and prevent possible complications.
This drink can be used as a prophylaxis of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
For this, the resulting solution is drunk 1 tablespoon before each meal. This helps to facilitate digestion and improve the functioning of organs for a more efficient metabolism.
In cosmetology
Apricot kernel oil is used to give the face freshness and radiance from the inside. It is used as an independent tool and added to creams, serums and lotions. Cosmetic vibes are especially popular. They help prepare the skin for applying makeup, as well as tidy it up with excessive dryness. The composition of this liquid includes vegetable oils, including apricot.
Also, the squeeze from the nuclei of this plant is applied to tonal creams to improve its effect on the skin and prevent harmful effects. Apricot kernel oil does not clog pores, but has a powerful nutritional effect. For this, it gained such popularity.
Apricot kernel scrub has long won the hearts of many women. It is a natural remedy for exfoliating the skin. After the removal of dead cells, a natural radiance of the skin appears, microcirculation improves, the tone of the face evens out. This allows the scrub to remain in the leading position for many years.
What can be made from apricot kernels
Oil is made from apricot raw materials, which is often used in cooking as a dressing for various dishes. Urbech can be eaten as an independent dish. Sometimes it is combined with fruit or honey to add new flavor notes.
It is useful for raw foodists to use urbec with bread as breakfast. These tasty and healthy toasts will help you recharge your batteries with energy and good mood for the whole day. This product also goes well with grapes, apples and apricot paste. It is useful to add it to ready-made cereals. You can also make sauce for dressing vegetables or meat from it.
Contraindications and possible harm
The fruits of the apricot and its seeds are capable of provoking the occurrence of allergic reactions. Therefore, people with hypersensitivity to fruit acids should use it with caution. If undesirable reactions occur, an antihistamine should be taken and a specialist should be consulted.
Too frequent use of parts of this plant can lead to headache, nausea, and also digestive tract disorders. This is due to amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid, which is found in the bones of the fetus. They cause poisoning, to remove which you need to drink a large amount of water, rinse your stomach and take absorbent drugs.
Apricot kernels have a large number of positive effects and are used in almost all areas of life. But they should be used with caution, since they contain a large number of active substances. If signs of allergies or poisoning appear, you should consult a doctor.