Among the plants that adorn our flower gardens, the Abracadabra rose deserves special attention. The motley flower is so unusual that it seems to be made of multi-colored glass. This hybrid was recently bred, but in flower shops has already become a popular and expensive product.
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Grade description
The variety was bred in the United States by crossing a tea and a maintenance rose. It may have an upright stalk, but it may also look like a climbing rose. The height of the bush varies from half a meter to one and a half meters.
When describing the roses of the Abracadabra variety, the following characteristics can be distinguished:
- leaves and stems of a dark green color;
- terry flowers, ranging in size from 8 to 15 cm;
- pointed petals, in their colors there are colors white, yellow, red of all shades;
- buds can be located one by one, and can form bouquets;
- flowering bushes emit a delicate delicate aroma;
- spikes are located on the shoots.
This variety of roses is thermophilic. It is usually grown in greenhouses for cutting.
You can grow it in the flower garden, if the ambient temperature does not fall below –10ºС and does not exceed + 30ºС. Otherwise, the plant must be sheltered for the winter and shaded in the hot summer.
How to plant and prepare the site
In order to achieve good growth and flowering of Abracadabra roses, you need to properly arrange planting and flower care.
Choose a suitable place:
- It requires constant sunlight, the absence of drafts and the movement of air for ventilation.
- For rose bushes, loamy soil with good drainage is required. Add rotted leaf litter, turfy soil, well-ripened cow dung to it. A useful addition of ash or dolomite powder on acidic soils.
- Unacceptably close groundwater and moisture stagnation from rain and snow.
- The planting area is cleaned of weeds, the soil is dug up, fertilizers are applied.
Roses do not like a thickened planting. Between the bushes maintain a distance of about half a meter. Before planting, seedlings with an open root system are lowered for 10 hours into the water. Then they are placed in a prepared hole, the roots are straightened, covered with soil, and easily compacted. Produce watering. The vaccination point is buried by 5 cm.
The subtleties of caring for a rose
A rose is a delicate flower; it requires constant attention. The roots of the plant should not dry out. The frequency of watering depends on the soil and the surrounding climate. On light soils, water the plant more often. Always monitor the condition of the soil. The top coat should dry slightly before watering is repeated.
Tip. Water Abracadabra roses with a mild fertilizer solution. This will ensure a constant influx of useful elements in an easily digestible form.
- Before flowering, fertilizing is done with the preparations “Tsitovit”, “Agricola” (for flowering plants). Complex compositions should contain 1 part nitrogen and potassium and 2 parts phosphorus.
- Such fertilizers are applied after flowering to stimulate its new wave.
- In autumn, only potassium salts are added.
To obtain beautiful, lushly flowering bushes, they are formed. Thicken shoots are cut off. This hybrid tea rose requires shortened pruning. After it, 3 to 5 buds should remain on the shoot. Cutting away withered flowers stimulates the formation of new buds. It is necessary to cut wild shoots that appear on grafted roses.
It is important to protect rose bushes from pests and diseases. Most often, aphids damage them. Small green bugs stick to shoots and leaves, causing them to dry out. The best remedies against aphids are Confidor, Spark Double Effect, Iskra-M, Tanrek. You can simply wash it off with a solution of green soap. These same drugs will protect roses from spider mites and thrips.
Of the diseases, powdery mildew and rust are dangerous for roses. The latter is treated with a 0.4% copper chloride solution. Powdery mildew will be saved by a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, as well as Topaz or Baleyton preparations
For a successful wintering, Abracadabra roses are sheltered.
Important! Shelter for roses should not let moisture in and provide air exchange.
Propagate the Abracadabra rose in several ways:
- budding;
- vaccination;
- cuttings.
The easiest method of propagation used by many summer residents is the harvesting and germination of cuttings. This is done in June - July. Use lignified shoots cut off on the eve of flowering, cutting out their middle part with 3 buds.
They are planted on the bed, dug 1.5 cm into the ground. They cover it with a transparent shelter - a glass jar, a box, with a transparent top, etc. The first days, the cuttings are regularly sprayed with warm water, moisten the soil. Shelter prevents the soil from drying out and creates a greenhouse atmosphere. By autumn, seedlings take root and are transferred for wintering to a cool room.
Place in the flower garden
Such a beautiful flower as the Abracadabra rose should occupy a central place in the flower garden. Rose bushes look beautiful against a green lawn. In the background, you can arrange tall bushes of lilac, acacia, spindle tree, mock up. The classic combination with conifers (juniper, thuja and spruce) is always original.
Despite its short history, Abracadabra has gained recognition in European flower gardens. It is grown in greenhouses, conservatories. It is widely used for cutting and creating bouquets that will please the most demanding lover of flowers.