A person can recognize a smile from a distance of about one hundred meters. Some ways to see it from the other end of the football field, whose length is 108 m. This friendly and very familiar grimace can tell us a lot about the interlocutor’s attitude. Its features can tell about openness or lies, restraint of emotions or a sense of happiness.
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The lips of a man are closed, a narrow smile. This smile indicates the presence of a secret. The interlocutor has important information for you, but is in no hurry to share it. Perhaps he will be able to talk. But if a person continues to smile with a closed smile, this will not be easy.
Single sided
Usually observed in people in a state of perplexity. Such a smile indicates that a person cannot find a solution to a particular problem. Or the information in question is difficult to understand. If a person smiles with only one corner of his lips, it is worth changing the topic of conversation or clarifying the issue under discussion.
And this smile speaks for itself. If, smiling, the interlocutor bites his lips - this indicates sexual interest.Even if this is done unintentionally, the unconscious motives of your interlocutor can manifest themselves in this way. In addition, a smile with a sexual connotation always speaks of openness.
It has different meanings depending on the context. In some cases, such a smile means that next to you - proud, selfish person. In others points to his unshakable a sense of one's own rightness.
It expresses a feeling of happiness that overwhelms your interlocutor. With such a smile, goodwill and openness are transmitted to the world. She talks about the desire to make contact.
Open-mouthed smile
As in the previous case, such a smile also speaks of overwhelming feelings of joy and happiness. The interlocutor is sincere and open with you.
The smirk is a frequent companion of persons of a narcissistic character. Such a person is narcissistic, and puts himself above others.If your interlocutor grins too often, you should not especially trust him and disclose any secrets in the process of communication. Even if the words vis-a-vis shows sincerity, a smirk betrays his unconscious motives.
This smile is always betrayed by the eyes; she is insincere. If for some reason a person needs to smile, but he doesn’t want to do it, facial expression is a little unnatural.Whatever the reasons for not wanting to smile, a forced smile always discords with the internal state of your interlocutor.
“Stewardess smile”
One of the most insincere. Airline employees are specifically trained to smile at customers. Not only flight attendants use it, but also employees of other service areas. Therefore, such a smile really has nothing to do with personal goodwill.