It is harmful to starve or sit on strict diets; you do not need to do this. If you follow the principles of proper nutrition, losing weight is not at all difficult. And most importantly - excess weight will not return.

Basic principles of proper nutrition for weight loss

Some propose to exclude products of a certain composition from the menu, for example, do not eat carbohydrates or fats at all. Others require significantly limiting the daily amount of food. This negatively affects health, can lead to various diseases and stress. And when the term of any restrictions ends, the lost kilograms are returned. Often the weight and waist volume become even greater than they were before the diet.

If you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, then maintaining health and good mood is much easier. A pleasant bonus with this lifestyle is a great chance to lose weight and maintain harmony for a long time.

You can check your weight (body mass index)

Basic laws of software:

  1. To eat in small portions, but often. The optimal number of daily meals is 4. The time between meals is a maximum of 4 hours, with a night break. You should eat at the same hours, not be distracted by extraneous activities. No more than twice a day, you can additionally make a light snack, for example, drink a glass of kefir or enjoy an unsweetened apple. Half of the daily norm of food is eaten at lunch, the rest are divided almost equally between breakfast and dinner (they eat more in the morning).
  2. The last meal should be carried out no later than 2 - 3 hours before a night's sleep. In this case, the food will be partially assimilated during wakefulness, it will be easier to fall asleep, and additional calories will not turn into extra pounds.
  3. Refuse junk food.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • semi-finished products, canned food;
  • carbonated drinks with sugar, non-natural juices;
  • fatty meats, lard;
  • culinary products, white bread, muffin;
  • any food with preservatives, dyes, flavorings;
  • fried and smoked dishes, fatty sauces (for example, mayonnaise);
  • jam, jam, jams, sweets and other similar sweets;
  • crackers, chips, sausages;
  • margarine, non-natural creamy and refined vegetable oil.

If there was a desire to eat fast food, then this information will be useful: a standard set of hamburger, Coca-Cola and french fries contains an almost daily norm of calories. But such a snack will not saturate the body with vitamins, healthy proteins or fiber, but only provide harmful simple carbohydrates and unsaturated fats.

  1. Drink the right amount of water. A healthy adult should drink about 2 liters of fluid per day. This will help to avoid swelling and remove toxins, speed up metabolism. It is best to take plain water of good quality, in no case at the same time as food. Drink at least twenty minutes before a meal or half an hour after a meal. Ordinary tea, coffee will not bring benefits, liquids with various unnatural additives should also be avoided. In addition to pure drinking water, you can use unsweetened compote or fruit drink, herbal or green tea.
  2. Maintain a balance of substances. In the menu, protein, carbohydrate foods, fats and vitamins are introduced in the optimal amount.
  3. In the morning, immediately after waking up, drink water at room temperature (250 ml).
  4. Chew food thoroughly, eat slowly. Such a habit will not only allow better assimilation of food. During a slow meal, saturation signals enter the brain before excess food is eaten. A well-fed body will not require an additional portion of the dish, which will avoid overeating.

You need to follow the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss daily, this is not a one-time action, but a lifestyle.

The rate of weight loss in PP depends on the initial parameters and averages 4-6 kg per month. It is enough to observe the daily calorie intake and adhere to the optimal level of physical activity.

Differences in menu design for women and men

The daily diet of women and men is similar, but on average, its calorie content in the weak half of humanity should be 25% less. The amount of food needed by the body depends on the person’s age, state of health, level of mental and physical stress. As a rule, men have larger servings. This is understandable, because representatives of the strong half of humanity are usually larger, more massive and perform more complex physical work.

  • When choosing foods for the diet, they take into account that men need more carbohydrates, and women need more fats. In this case, it is easier for representatives of the male and female sex to get rid of excess calories.
  • Due to the physiological characteristics, women need higher doses of iron, so it is useful for ladies to eat liver, beef, lentils and buckwheat.
  • For men's health, you need zinc, which contains wheat bran, sesame and pumpkin seeds, oysters.

Rules for children

Proper nutrition will help the comprehensive development of a growing person, strengthen his health, give energy and strength. Many of the principles that I use to organize the optimal diet of adults are also suitable for children. Particular attention should be paid to certain nuances in feeding the little ones.

Not all healthy foods are suitable for children. On the kids menu, the number of legumes is limited due to their ability to increase gas production.With caution, honey, strawberries and other products that can cause allergies are used.

It is not advisable to remove easily digestible carbohydrates from biscuits, sugar or preserves from the children's menu. The amount of such food is better to simply limit.

At a young age, the need for carbohydrates is increased due to the high physical activity of children and adolescents.

Weekly Nutrition Menu

Products are combined so that the body receives about 250 g of carbohydrates and 60 g of fat per day. The amount of protein per day is determined by body weight: a person should get 1 g of protein per kilogram of his weight.

Adhere to the following rules:

  • In the morning, it is preferable to eat foods with a lot of carbohydrates. At this time, they consume honey, berries and fruits.
  • Correctly, if the fifth part of the diet is products that contain polyunsaturated fats: linseed or olive oil, seeds, nuts, salmon, and trout.
  • Bread is eaten from wholemeal or whole grain flour.
  • Macaroni use the highest grade.
  • Eat less salt. The daily norm is up to 7 g. With increased pressure or edema, its amount in the daily diet is reduced to 1 g.
  • Various cereals (not instant cooking) are actively used. They are made on the water.
  • Do not combine protein foods with potatoes and pasta.
  • Vegetables and fruits should make up at least a fifth of the total diet.
  • In the afternoon, it is better to eat protein food. For example, marine fish are an ideal source of omega-3 protein and polyunsaturated acids. It saturates the body with vitamins K, E, A and D. It is useful not more than twice a week to replace meat with fish.
  • Steamed, baked, boiled, stewed. Frying is not recommended, such food is not consumed with PP.

It is interesting:linseed oil for weight loss - how to take

Recipes by day of the week

Buckwheat porridge, half a teaspoon of butter
Fresh berry compote

Beef Stew with Vegetables
Banana for a snack
Boiled chicken or turkey
Baked vegetables
Steam omelet with herbs
Sauerkraut Salad
Vegetable stew
Curd Banana Casserole
Compote (dried fruits without sugar)
Baked Salmon
Pasta or rice
Rice porrige
Vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil
Meatball Soup
Kefir for an afternoon snack
Baked hake.
Salad with cucumber, cabbage with vegetable oil
Oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of honey, some nuts and fruits
Green tea with lemon
Vegetable soup
Dried fruits compote
Snack apple
Oven-baked chicken
Cauliflower Casserole
Millet porridge
Spring salad with radishes and green onions
Seasonal fruits
Mushroom Rice Soup
Snack Nuts
Steam fish cakes
The vinaigrette
Cottage cheese casserole
Seasonal fruits
Natural flower tea
Vegetable Vermicelli Soup
Boiled egg
Baked beef
Vegetable salad
Barley porridge
Tomato and Cucumber Salad Dressed with Olive Oil
Fresh berry compote without sugar
Baked vegetables
Boiled chicken
Unsweetened Compote
Banana for a snack
Lazy cabbage rolls

Weekly Shopping List

Each independently determines what to put in his grocery basket. However, it is necessary to purchase some products if you follow the principles of PP.

For 7 days you will need:

  • Meat: chicken or turkey, low-fat beef (only about 1.5 kg).
  • Eggs (5 pcs.).
  • Fish: salmon, salmon, hake, etc. (only about 0.4 kg).
  • Greens: parsley, dill, lettuce, spinach, basil (1 to 3 bunches).
  • Honey.
  • Seasonal berries and fruits, bananas, apples, pineapples, oranges.
  • Sour-milk products: kefir or ryazhenka (about 1.5 l), cheese, cottage cheese (about 400 g), butter (about 0.5 kg).
  • Vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, beets, eggplant, peppers, carrots, various kinds of cabbage, pumpkin ... (quantity - to taste, with a total weight of about 2.5 kg).
  • Seeds of legumes: beans, chickpeas, lentils.
  • Pasta.
  • Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, dried fruits, flax seeds.
  • Vegetable oil: olive, linseed.
  • Cereals: oatmeal, bulgur, buckwheat, wheat, corn, rice.

Read also:bulgur what is it

The names and quantity of products will depend on the season, taste preferences and even mood. The main thing is that they belong to different groups according to the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

A sample menu for every day for weight loss

To reduce weight, it is better to eat 4 to 5 times a day. With four meals a day, the daily diet is distributed taking into account such rules.

  • For breakfast, it is best to cook porridge, supplement the meal with vegetable or fruit salad, a natural drink. A couple of times a week it is worth replacing cereals with eggs or cottage cheese.
  • At lunch, food should be more high-calorie. They prefer various soups on vegetable broth, vegetarian borsch and soup. If the first dish is made with meat, then for weight loss it is prepared without potatoes. On the second, you can please yourself with meat, fish and supplement protein foods with vegetables. It’s best to boil foods or steam dishes.
  • For a mid-morning snack, it is appropriate to eat some fruit or drink a glass of sour-milk drink.
  • Dinner is formed taking into account previous meals to make the menu varied. If porridge was present in the diet in the morning, then in the evening you can make stewed vegetables. When the dinner turned out to be "meat", high-calorie, before going to bed, it is appropriate to prepare vinaigrette, a vegetable salad with beans.

Even with weight loss, you can treat yourself to sweets. Useful products for desserts: fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits. Eat sweets in the morning. Sugar is replaced by honey.

The budget option of the proper nutrition menu

Healthy food products are available to everyone, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on them. By days of the week, you can make something like this budget menu.

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerSnack (snack)Dinner
MondaySteam omelet with herbs, herbal teaSteamed Beef with Braised Beans, Vegetable Salad, Fresh Fruit JuiceAn AppleAbout 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, fruits, flower tea
TuesdayVegetable salad, unsweetened compoteStewed vegetables, boiled chicken, fruit drinkYogurtStewed vegetables with boiled meat, fruit drink
WednesdayWhole grain bread, buckwheat, greens, green teaVegetable soup without potatoes, boiled meat, dried fruit compoteSome unsweetened fruitsSteamed omelet with herbs and boiled beans, unsweetened fruits
ThursdayBaked potatoes with herbs, natural juiceBaked meat, steamed vegetables, rosehip brothKefirSteamed fishcakes and broccoli, wild rose broth
FridayUnsweetened oatmeal with natural butter, apples and cinnamon, fruit drinkPasta, vegetable salad, compoteAn AppleBaked with broccoli, boiled egg, mint tea
SaturdayBaked vegetables, wheat porridge, chicory drinkBoiled chicken, steamed vegetables, unsweetened compoteRyazhenkaBoiled fish with rice, unsweetened compote
SundayVegetable salad, herbal tea, toast with cheeseVegetable soup, veal cutlets, rosehip brothKefirCottage cheese casserole, apple, vegetable juice

You can follow the basic principles of proper nutrition even with a limited budget, if you listen to simple tips:

  • The daily menu uses seasonal vegetables and fruits. You can stock up on them for future use, for example, purchase in the summer and freeze berries, asparagus beans and other healthy products.
  • Porridge is an affordable food option for morning or evening meal with a large number of useful substances, in particular, complex carbohydrates. For example, buckwheat contains B vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus. It improves the gastrointestinal tract, for a long time gives a feeling of fullness.
  • Chicory is an excellent substitute for coffee, cheap and healthy. It does not contain caffeine, has a slight diuretic effect, normalizes metabolism and weakens the feeling of hunger.

Proper nutrition is not a temporary diet, but a norm of life. You can save weight loss results and feel great if you stick to a healthy diet every day.

  • Evdokia M.

    The article is good, but it was very strange to see your point about fractional nutrition. The myth has long been debunked that eating small meals helps to lose weight and speeds up metabolism. I eat good meals three times a day, and I don’t always have a meal, I also take Evalar's alpha lipoic acid and carry a bottle of water in my purse. She herself did not notice how she had lost 5 kg in the last couple of months, although she hadn’t planned))