"5 Tibetan pearls" tested by wise monks for millennia. And from the middle of the last century, the whole world is trying to turn them into their daily habit, healing the body and calming the soul.
Material Content:
The principle of Tibetan exercises
Monk's exercises were secret until 1938, when Peter Kelder described the Tibetan methodology in the book “The Eye of the Renaissance”. Tibetan monks formulated the principles of the development of the body and the system of exercises on its basis. The development and strengthening of the body occurs by increasing the energy potential. According to Tibetan philosophy, the world is filled with energy - prana. The theory of vortices says that there are centers where prana is concentrated. In the human body, it is concentrated in 19 places that are near the joints. When a person performs 5 rituals (exercises), prana actively circulates through bodily channels, filling all cells, enriching a person’s aura. Rejuvenating energetically, a person becomes younger, healthier physically. If you give the ritual exercises 10-30 minutes. daily - immunity will strengthen, diseases will begin to recede, more vitality will appear. All this will be accompanied by peace, harmony.
The rituals of the complex correspond to meditative positions:
- body turns (arms apart);
- raising the head, straight legs (on the back);
- arching the back in the direction of the heels (performed on the knees);
- elements of 2 poses (Wands, Backgrounds);
- Elements of poses Dogs, Snakes.
Pros and cons of the healing and rejuvenation method
Cons can occur with improper, irregular performance of motor therapy. If the rituals are performed not every day, then their benefit will be minimal or "come to naught." It is dangerous to start rituals for people to whom they are contraindicated. But even for those to whom they are not prohibited, side effects may appear for the first time: nausea, disorientation in space. May be very dizzy. You should immediately take a break and reduce the number of repetitions of each ritual.
The advantages of this complex are much more:
- Helps in the fight against arthritis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.
- In men, it stabilizes erectile function. In women, it establishes the menstrual cycle, increases the likelihood of conception.
- It takes care of the gastrointestinal tract: establishes stools, improves the processing of nutrients, helps to “clean” of toxins.
- Promotes weight loss.
- Stimulates the purification of the bronchi, nasopharynx.
- Strengthens the body to resist colds.
- In general, increases immunity.
- "Five Tibetan pearls" develop endurance, willpower. This is important for getting rid of bad habits. After a couple of weeks of daily ritual performance, alcohol and nicotine addictions begin to recede, the craving for harmful substances decreases.
On a note! Willpower is also important for great achievements in life.
Where are the magnetic centers in the human body
It is believed that the chakras in the body (“vortices”, energy centers) are only seven. They are located along the length of the spine, ending with a “crown vortex” in the region of the crown. But all the important centers are more - about 140. They include the chakras of the ends of the human limbs. At the heart of the 5-step complex is work with 19 energy centers. There are 7 main chakras, and the remaining 12 are “articular”: hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, knees, hips.
5 rituals aim to balance the functioning of the chakras.
The basis of this therapy is the principle according to which it is disruptions in energy centers, stagnation of energy in them that prevents the entire body from filling evenly with this force. On the material, bodily level, this manifests itself in diseases.
During classes, an outflow of energy from the lower chakras takes place, where it, as a rule, is wasted in vain. Filling the higher "vortices" contributes to the transition of personality to a higher spiritual level.
A set of exercises - five Tibetan pearls
The Five Tibetan Pearls Exercises is a stepped complex. Each exercise is a stage, without which it is not worth doing the next. Each of them in its own way affects the energy state of the body.
- "Rotation of energy." Impact: accelerates energy circulation. Fulfillment: stand straight, feet and shoulders on the same line. The straightened arms are spread apart so that they remain on the shoulder line. Palms “look” at the floor; make turns from left to right. Do not slouch, do not lower the chin.
- "The Return of Strength." Influence: increases, but at the same time harmonizes the rotation of the vortices. Fulfillment: lie down, hands stretch along the body. Slightly strained palms rest against the surface, inhale as deeply as possible through the nose. Tilt the chin to the chest, resting against it. Raise flat legs squeezed together (the pelvis should not rise). The last stage is exhaling with the nose and lowering the upper, lower parts of the body.
- "The connection of the body and consciousness." Impact: a basic energy axis is being developed - the spine. Fulfillment: for this item of the complex “Five Tibetan Pearls” kneel down to the width of the pelvis, hands are pressed under the buttocks and completely exhaled by the nose, while reaching the chin to the chest and pressing it. Deeply exhaling slowly, they bend back with an “arch”, rest their palms under the buttocks. The head is tilted to the maximum. For a couple of seconds, they are fixed in this position and exhale air.
- "Energy Soul." Influence: alternating tension with relaxation, they achieve "energy swing", "dispersing" the energy through the body.Fulfillment: sit on a straight surface with legs straightened (on the shoulder line), the feet are perpendicular to the surface, and the palms are next to the buttocks, pressed to the floor and “look” forward. On a deep breath, the chin is lowered to the chest, and on a slow exhale, the head is lowered towards the back as far as possible. Simultaneously with the exhalation, the body is raised parallel to the surface, bending the knees (90 degrees) - this is the pose of the Table. In the achieved position, for a couple of seconds, the whole body is greatly stressed. The last stage is the starting position, relaxation.
- "Balancing energy." Impact: energy is finally distributed at all points, while endurance is trained. Fulfillment: lie belly on the surface, resting his palms. Raise the top of the body, while leaving the legs straight on the floor. Feet and hands on the shoulder line; exhale deeply, inhale very slowly, dropping his head to his back. For a couple of seconds. in this position, muscles are maximally tensed and inhalation is continued, lifting the buttocks up, turning into a regular triangle (the limbs in this position are straight). Again, they strain every muscle and exhale completely.
For people who have an active sex life
Tibetan monks, adhering to celibacy, took into account in their complex exercise to control sexual energy. This energy is directed upward, turning it into intellectual, spiritual forces. But these exercises are suitable for those who are sexually active: they strengthen the sex glands. Men, thanks to this, get the opportunity to control ejaculation.
This exercise can conditionally be called the Sixth Tibetan.
Fulfillment: stand on the floor, leaving between the feet 10 cm, and the hands are near the hips. Inhale deeply and for a long time with the nose; they also exhale deeply with their mouth, while their lips repeat the “O” shape. During exhalation, they bend to the knees, resting on them with palms. In the slope, the remaining air is exhaled, drawing the stomach inward; with the abdomen pulled into the first position. They stand like this without breathing in for a couple of seconds; inhale deeply, evenly, easily, relax. Repeat no more than 3 times.
After the Sixth Tibetan, it is recommended that you take 2 deep breaths (with your nose) and exhale (with your mouth, the letter “O”).
For children and people after 50, this complex of 5 exercises is not recommended. A more careful approach to charging on the days of menstruation.
They are contraindicated:
- pregnant, lactating;
- at high temperature;
- with hypertension;
- if there is a risk of a heart attack;
- with exacerbation of cardiovascular disorders;
- if hernia is found on the spine;
There is a misconception that the Tibetan system is also contraindicated for the female sex. This myth arose because the developers of the complex were male monks who allegedly adjusted it to the characteristics of their body. But it was practically proved that this is not so. Exercise is equally healing for both sexes.
But you should not consider this complex as the only treatment for serious diseases, because you can "start" the disease.
Recommendations for performing rituals
It is worth considering important recommendations, without which the complex may turn out to be ineffective:
- The sequence of rituals is forbidden to change.
- The therapy is performed 1 to 2 times a day. After sunset, it’s better not to perform the exercises, because a surge of energy leads to insomnia.
- Start with 3 to 4 repetitions, adding 2 more weekly. The maximum number is 21 repetitions.
- Mandatory daily multi-year practice. As a rule, exercises carry out all life. The effect of them is strong, but not fixed after their termination. The balance of energy, clean channels quickly degrade and return the state of the body to its starting point. Take breaks for a couple of days only in extreme cases, when there are absolutely no opportunities or conditions for classes.
- Perform rituals measured, without rushing, watching the rhythm and depth of breathing. But still, breathing should be easy enough, not take away strength.
- After completion, you should take 1 - 2 minutes.to relaxation. To do this, they are lowered to the floor (if it is warm) or to another flat surface. The limbs are straight, relaxed. Energy flows are finally balanced, harmoniously distributed in the body. You can turn on a quiet melody (the volume should be low).
- It is worthwhile to complete the lesson with warm water or wipe with a warm, damp towel.
- Overvoltage is harmful, so the number of repetitions is determined individually, gradually increasing. A sharp deterioration in well-being - a signal to interrupt the workout until the next time. It is useful to check with your doctor to be sure that there are no contraindications.
- Between exercises it is worth taking breaks for rest, recovery.
- The position for recovery is standing, the body is straight, hands are on the belt.
Tibetan gymnastics “Five Pearls” is one of the easiest, fastest and most effective complexes, which easily fits into the daily regimen. Tibetan therapy harmonizes not only the body, but also the spiritual, intellectual sphere of the individual.