No matter how delicious dishes you try, no matter how varied the diet, sometimes you want to take your soul off a plate of simple hot Ukrainian borsch. Yes, to bite with salty bacon, green onion arrows, thick homemade sour cream and fresh brown bread. And garlic pampushki will go even better to borsch! Ruddy, soft, aromatic, behind which the hand stretches again and again, even when the plate with the main course is already empty. How to cook them?


To the borscht can be served and lean pampushki, and from potato dough, and with the addition of finely chopped greens. But for traditional garlic buns, which are probably still baked somewhere in Ukrainian villages, you will need:

  • 2 cups flour and half as much milk;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • 20 grams of live yeast;
  • a spoon of granulated sugar;
  • salt.

To make garlic sauce, take:

  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • greens, salt.

Useful Tips

Even a novice cook will cope with the preparation of a garlic dumplings test Most often, it is an honor to spoil them with sauce or low-quality ingredients. Therefore, so that the result does not disappoint you, follow these rules.

  1. Choose premium flour. Baking from the rest of the flour will not be magnificent.
  2. Prefer live yeast, even with dry and less hassle.
  3. Forget about refined oil! Only fragrant, real, unrefined.
  4. When rolling up balls for future donuts, keep in mind that good batter during baking will increase by about 2 times. Consider this if you plan to cook them in a small form.
  5. Do not pour the buns too thickly on the sauce. Once saturated, they may lose their presentable appearance and splendor.Better serve the bowl with the sauce separately, and let each dunk as needed.
  6. It is better to cook pastries at once and eat in a warm form. But, if you didn’t calculate, and the buns turned out to be too much, then the next time before serving, put them in a plate, drop a little water in it and warm in the microwave.
  7. Well, before the end of baking, grease the pampushi with butter and chopped herbs and send for another 3-5 minutes in the oven. The dough is saturated with the aroma of herbs and will be especially delicious.
  8. Before serving, you can crush the buns with sesame seeds or flaxseed - a delicious "chip" will add variety.

4 recipes for garlic bamps with garlic

Red borsch is a classic Ukrainian dish. This is a win-win option for a family dinner. After a large bowl of the first dish with a piece of meat, a second course is not required. But our happiness will be incomplete if garlic donuts are not served to the rich borsch.

While the broth is being cooked, you have time to cook the crumpets. In general, they can be served not only with borsch, but also with soup, and indeed with any dishes instead of bread. By the way, a great way to make such pampushki even tastier is to serve them a sandwich, twisted with garlic and herbs, lard. It is well stored, because it can be used afterwards, just spreading on bread.

A similar recipe: garlic pampushki

How to cook garlic pampushki for borsch? We offer several options for your choice.

Ukrainian donuts with garlic for borsch


For such baking, you will need yeast dough, but it does not like fuss. Therefore, drive home from the kitchen and proceed.

  1. First make a dough. Heat 3-4 tablespoons of milk in a bowl until warm and put the yeast in it. Mash them with a fork, sprinkle with sugar and leave to “roam”. If the process is not too active, put the dishes in heat or in a water bath.
  2. Sift flour from possible debris and lumps into a large bowl. Chop the salt and remaining sugar. Make a hole at the top, hammer an egg into it, pour in 2/3 of the oil.
  3. Yeast came up, now add them to the remaining milk (also warm) and mix.
  4. It's time to knead the dough. Pouring the milk slowly, start stirring the flour with a spoon. People say that it’s right to do this, moving only clockwise.
  5. When kneading with a spoon is already uncomfortable, continue with your hands. Lubricate your palms with oil and knead until it stops sticking to your fingers. Cover the finished dough with a towel and leave it warm to fit for about an hour.
  6. You have time to prepare garlic oil. It's simple: we clean the garlic, we press through the press. Cut greens smaller. Pour all this with two glasses of water and oil. Salt to taste. You can grind the finished sauce in a blender.
  7. Turn on the oven, so that it has time to warm up to 190 ºС, until you form pampushki. Remove the dough from the bowl and, plucking small pieces, roll them into balls.
  8. Oil the baking dish, put the balls, grease them with yolk or milk and put in the oven. Buns should brown and rise. Usually, 40-50 minutes are enough for this (decides the size of the balls).
  9. Allow the hot dumplings to cool slightly and coat with garlic oil. Done!

Lenten dumplings with garlic to borsch recipe


There are no eggs or milk in this recipe, but the buns still come out fragrant, lush and very tasty. The cooking method itself is fundamentally no different from the traditional one.

  1. Heat the water and dilute the yeast in it. Sprinkle with sugar and add a spoonful of flour. Leave the dough for a few minutes.
  2. Prepare the flour, put in the suitable yeast, butter and knead the dough. Roll the balls out of it and, dipping in the oil, put them in an oiled form. Let stand for half an hour.
  3. Make garlic dressing. Chop the garlic and herbs, pour the spiced mixture with water and oil, salt. Preheat the oven to 180-200 ºС.
  4. Put the dumplings in the oven and bake until cooked. Let them rest and pour spicy sauce.

Your garlic buns are ready! Importantly, do not forget that borscht still relies on them.

Garlic mushrooms recipe on water

You can cook fragrant buns without milk. Their taste will not lose at all, since it is compensated by the “lack” with a piece of butter.

  1. We prepare the dough, as in the previous recipe: we dilute the yeast in water, add sugar and a spoonful of flour.
  2. Pour the dough into the sifted flour, add the melted butter (100-120 grams is enough) and the egg. Knead the dough and leave it to fit under a towel.
  3. Next, roll the balls, lay them on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown.
  4. Slightly cooled donuts are watered with garlic oil, prepared according to the already described recipe.

Pampushki with garlic to borsch in a pan

These buns are perfectly baked not only in the oven, but also in the slow cooker, and in the bread maker, and in the pan. The latter option is perfect for cases when the husband is already driving up, the soup is boiling, and the mistress has forgotten about the donuts.

  1. Prepare the dough according to any of the recipes described above. You can take lean or classic - it doesn’t matter.
  2. It is not necessary to wait until the dough is suitable. Immediately roll out a layer a couple of centimeters thick from it. No longer needed, otherwise it will not be baked. Cut it round with a glass and fry the small muffin buns in plenty of butter, like donuts. Two minutes on one side and a minute longer on the other.
  3. Pour in garlic sauce and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.

If you still allow the test to come up a bit, then the finished dumplings will be taller and more magnificent.

Even the most delicious borsch without donuts looks orphaned. Do not allow this and then your borscht simply will not have competitors. Add to this tandem feathers of green onions, lard and a glass of stew - the perfect dinner!