The word "jubilee" comes from the Hebrew term "yovel" and means "year of freedom." Previously, every fiftieth year was considered such a year, but today it is customary to consider all dates multiple of 5 or 10 anniversary. Thus, a modern person can celebrate the “year of freedom” every 5 years, starting from birth. Typically, such celebrations can not do without a feast, at which every guest is obliged to give a toast in honor of the hero of the day. If you can’t come up with a speech yourself, you can prepare in advance by contacting special selections. The best toasts for the anniversary and tips on their use are collected in the proposed article.

Funny toasts for an anniversary woman

It is traditionally believed that “a woman loves with her ears”, therefore, at the women's anniversary, only those compliments should be said to the hero of the occasion. But the toast does not have to be grand, solemn. Moreover, he should not give the impression of flattery, immoderation. Humor helps to avoid excess pathos.

Humor and jokes fit perfectly into the holiday atmosphere and cheer up guests.But you need to pronounce funny toasts on the woman’s anniversary, always commensurate with humor and delicacy. An ideal speech in honor of the hero of the anniversary, even in a comic form, will certainly highlight one of its advantages. You can also praise members of her family - her husband, children, grandchildren. Women are pleased.

Table jokes for a man's holiday

Table speech for a man celebrating a jubilee may be a bit more “sharp” than for a woman. However, it is important to consider the degree of closeness of the relationship, the willingness of the audience and the hero of the occasion to perceive acuity. For example, some jokes can be perceived negatively on the anniversary of the boss or an elderly person, or in the presence of ladies. A sense of subordination, measure and tact should suggest in which cases it is better to refrain from “salty male humor”.

If the celebration takes place in the circle of close friends, jokes with a touch of light irony and even on the verge of a foul, but without crossing the boundaries of etiquette, are appropriate. Often, jokes or interspersed winged phrases are used to create this kind of toast.

Short Anniversary Toasts

Of considerable importance is the duration of the table speech. The toast should not bore the guests, forcing them to keep their glasses raised for a long time. Experienced presenters of the celebrations believe that after the fifth sentence, the attention of the audience begins to disperse. Therefore, do not forget about the "sister of talent" - brevity, and it is preferable to choose short toasts for the anniversary.

A good short toast is like a bright flash. To make the jubilee and guests remember it, it is better to avoid the template turns from the category “congratulations on the jubilee, wish happiness and good health”. At the same time, the intonation can be any - depending on the age of the hero of the anniversary and on who the toast is.

50 years anniversary toast woman, man

Fiftieth anniversary is a traditional “year of freedom”, therefore it is still called the “golden anniversary”. Women and men perceive this date in different ways, converging in one thing: 50 years is a special, turning point. The task of the toasting is not to focus on how many roads have been traveled, but to turn the hero’s eyes to the future.

A successful toast for the 50th anniversary should be full of optimism. One can note the merits and achievements of the hero of the day, which by this age are usually quite a few. But the most win-win option is to open a perspective, show what else can be done and what to achieve in the future.

Caucasian parables and jokes

Caucasian toasts are especially popular at the anniversary feasts. Of course, a real Caucasian toast is a work of oratory, requiring preparation and special talent. It has a strict composition and often turns into a whole performance. In the Caucasus, many traditional families already at the "children's" table begin to learn how to pronounce good wishes. But at the Russian anniversary, light imitations in the spirit of the “Caucasian Captive” are also quite acceptable.

As a rule, an imitation of a Caucasian toast begins with the words "in one mountain village" or "they say in the Caucasus." Further, speech may include elements of a parable, anecdote or aphorism. The obligatory conclusion to such a toast is the classic phrase: “So let's drink to ...” Knowing the features of constructing such imitations, anyone can make a “Caucasian” toast.

Toasts at the beginning of a feast

The beginning of the feast is a psychologically delicate moment, especially at crowded anniversaries, where not all guests can know each other. In the first minutes, people are somewhat constrained, and “untwisting” the holiday is an important task of the first toasting. Often she is entrusted with the hero of the day, because it is the hero of the occasion who knows all the guests well and is better than others to set the rhythm for a feast.

The right of the first toast can be delegated to one of the guests. In this case, the toast is faced with a choice with which intonation to speak. There are different options: solemn, humorous, great. You can make a toast in prose or in poetry. In any case, any template phrases and formalism are excluded.The first toast should go from the heart and charge with emotions.

Congratulations in verses and prose

Congratulations on the anniversary, pronounced at the festive table, can be attributed to a separate kind of feast speeches. Unlike classic toasts, they end with a proposal not to raise glasses, but to wish the hero of the day all kinds of benefits. But in this case, one should avoid stereotyping. Congratulations and good wishes should be presented brightly.

There are different ways to turn a banal greeting into a memorable greeting. You can wish the hero of the day in rhyme form. Prose speech will help to decorate metaphors, comparisons, parallels. A long-standing acquaintance with the hero of the occasion allows us to push off from a funny or touching episode from the past. The main thing is that the congratulation should be targeted, sincere and truly sincere.

Funny toasts for an anniversary woman

Poetic commemorative joke

If (name) was a soldier,

She led the shelves behind her.

If (name) was an astronaut,

She quickly flew to Mars and back.

If (name) was a climber,

That Everest would conquer quickly

Only (name) is not a soldier at all,

And can’t keep the machine gun,

And not given the cosmos given

(Somehow missiles without (name) flew).

On mountaineering, put an end to -

On figs the giant Everest surrendered to her ???

Maybe what a malicious foe insidious

Even declares (name) mediocre ...

But it’s obvious to everyone that this is not so,

So the last fool might think!

(name) smart, witty, beautiful!

(name) works for all of us on a marvel!

For this I intend to drink to the bottom,

Heroes, damn it, a lot, but (name) one!

Prosaic jubilee joke

One girl was returning home late at night. Suddenly she realized that someone was following her. Looking back, she saw that a handsome young man was following her. At first, the girl was frightened and took a step. But the young man did not lag behind. Then the girl thought, why not meet him? She stopped, looked around, and the guy was gone. “Oh, how indecisive I am,” the girl thought. I propose a drink for our hero of the day, for her courage and for the fact that she always makes quick and correct decisions that help her live so brightly and beautifully. I also propose a drink so that the manholes can be closed on time and beautiful young men will not fall into them at night!

Caucasian toast

In ancient times, there was such a custom in mountain villages: before getting married, a girl had to tame one wild mountain goat. To do this, she needed several days and even weeks in a row to climb the mountains and feed the goat with fresh grass. The rite was considered performed when the girl managed to bring the mountain goat along with her to the village. Our hero of the day is much wiser than these girls. She did not waste time on the goats, but fell in love and tamed a real handsome and strong man - her husband (name). Let’s drink to our jubilee who knows how to make the right choice!

Table jokes for a man's holiday

For male power

A man walked through the woods. Suddenly a gray wolf runs out of the thicket and says:

- Man, I'll eat you!

- For what?

- Just.

- Have mercy!

“Okay, you'll be safe if you fulfill the three wishes of the first woman you meet.”

They shook hands, and went deep into the forest. Here they meet an elderly woman along the way. The gray wolf told her what was the matter.

- So go ahead, make a guess!

The woman looked down and says:

- Man, I really, really want love!

The man fulfilled her wish with enthusiasm.

- What more do you want? - the gray wolf asks the lady.

- I want more love!

Having gathered all his strength, the man fulfilled her desire a second time.

To the third question of the wolf, the woman demanded the same thing! Then the man fell to his knees before the wolf and whispered in exhaustion:

“Eat me, gray wolf!”

So let’s drink, friends, for male power and for our hero of the day, whom the wolves do not eat, because he has enough of this power!

For men's generosity

Three Georgians gathered in the evening for a barbecue and discuss their affairs. The youngest of them is asked:

“Vano, how do you live with your young wife?”

- Yes, somehow not very ...

“Why, Vano?”

- It turned out that my wife is such a greedy woman! She always requires money from me !!!

“What is she doing with this pile of money?” - the Georgians were amazed.

“So who gives them to her?”

I propose raising our glasses for the fact that this joke has nothing to do with our generous hero of the day!

For men's luck

Our friend has an anniversary today! We all already wanted a lot of things, but everything turned out somehow separately. But here I would like to draw a line and summarize all that has been said: dear (name), we drink for your masculine luck, and that you had everything, but you had nothing for it!

Short Anniversary Toasts

Young man

One Chinese philosopher said: “A dream is not something that already exists, but not something that cannot be. It’s like on earth - there is no road, but people will pass, pave the way. ” So let's drink for the youth and energy of our hero of the day and for him to pave his unique path on earth - the road of his dreams!

Young woman

This, of course, seems strange, because the word "anniversary" in our country is associated with a respectable age, and here is such a young and beautiful girl! But today is still an anniversary, and this means there is a great reason to drink for it, and also for the beauty and charm of your youth! Let it not leave you for many years!

Woman or man 30, 40 years old

You are no longer becoming older every year, but older. Not mind, but wisdom every year adds to you. But while not grandchildren, but your children are growing up, we will drink for your youth and for happiness!


I want to congratulate a very dear person on my anniversary! I’ll tell you the words of one wise man: “When, at last, you understand that your father was usually right, your son is already growing up, convinced that his father is usually wrong.” Let's drink to the understanding between fathers and children! To understand each other, you need to go through all the trials, but after that love will become stronger and stronger! Happy Anniversary, Dad!


Dear Mom, on your anniversary I wish you more particles of “no” and “neither” - do not hurt, do not grow old, don’t get tired, don’t be sad, don’t lose heart, don’t need anything and don’t worry about anything. Despite the fact that these particles are negative, let everything in your life be only positive. Be happy, and with the anniversary of you!


Today I want to talk only about my wife and devote all the toasts only to her! And not because she has an anniversary, but because there is no more beautiful, smarter, more caring wife in the world than my fair half! For you, my love, I drink only standing up to the bottom!

To her husband

Someone from the great said: "To be courageous means to curb your temper." My husband is doubly courageous, because he curbed not only his temper, but also mine. And thanks to this, we have been living happily for many years. I propose a drink for my beloved, courageous husband on his anniversary!

Work colleague

Colleague, let me be laconic on your anniversary, because a diamond like you does not need extra words, but only in silent and delighted contemplation. Friends, I propose that you drink not for work, and not even for success, but for ensuring that such a diamond as our hero of the day always has a decent cut!

50 years anniversary toast woman, man

The man

The peoples of the Baltic countries believe in this legend: when a boy is born in a family, then 100 devils are born with him. When the boy turns one year old, then one little devil becomes less, and instead of him one angel appears. This happens year after year - the number of angels is growing, and the number of imps is decreasing. And our “boy” is 50. This means that 50 devils and exactly the same number of angels are neighbors in him, but every year the angelic beginning will be stronger in him. I propose a drink for our hero of the day, who today is in a state of harmony and balance, and whose best is yet to come!


What is fifty?

New holiday outfit

Fashionable stilettos,

Congratulations, smiles.

Only halfway passed

The best is yet to come:

Travel to Nepal

And the Brazilian carnival ...

Life in you may be in full swing

All problems - nothing.

Let health not fail

Inspiration doesn't go away.

Happy anniversary!


Once the great oriental sage Haja Nasreddin said good words: “It is at the age of fifty that a person begins to understand life well, and he has a real taste for it.” Judging by the set table, the hero of the day has great taste! So let’s drink so that the table in your house is always full, as on the day of your anniversary!

Work colleague

Today you have a golden date, so we wish you life jewels - golden health for many years, golden relationships and understanding in the family and golden achievements in your career. Let love be as bright as gold, and gold coins cannot be transferred in your wallet! Happy anniversary!

Caucasian parables and jokes

Comic toast

In one mountain village there is such a legend: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and a magnificent orator will grow up. Kisses in hands, a handyman grows up. So let’s drink for the hero of the day, because he has so many talents that even God himself is confused where he kissed him.

For 60 years

You know, at the Georgian holidays, the first thing they drink for young people. And young people are considered those who are less than sixty. So let's drink to our hero of the day and congratulate him on his transition to adulthood!

Toast for the generosity of the hero of the day

According to Caucasian tradition, God said: “Everything that you take from people will be lost. But everything that you give to people will return to you a hundredfold. ” So let’s drink for the generosity of our hero of the day, with whom he always treats his friends!

Toast for the merits of the hero of the day

One Caucasian legend says: “Persistence leads to a long-awaited result, moderation to good health, honesty to a clear conscience, and loyalty to true happiness.” Let us drink for the hero of the day, who with his whole life has proved the correctness of these ancient postulates!

Toasts at the beginning of a feast

First Anniversary Toast

Here you are born and live

Once a year you wait for gifts

Congratulations you accept

Pour, drink.

One, two, three, four, five.

It's time to meet the anniversary!


Dear friends! Today we have gathered for a reason. We got together about. And this occasion is my anniversary. I think today you will tell me many kind words, but first I want to drink for passion. Because passion as you want to drink!


Another step in life

Behind her is an unclear silhouette.

And thoughts flash in my head:

“Will there be happiness or not?”

I drink for happiness to be

Both here and there - in an obscure darkness.

We will raise glasses together

And we will drink for the anniversary!

First toast guests

Together we raise the glasses

For the dear hero of the day!

And let the bells ring

His solemn glory!

May he be happy and drunk!

Today, right, not sinful!

Forgive him this flaw!

And drink some wine with him!


Listen to my word

Nice friends:

Today we went to the table

We are not in vain.

It will be famous for a hundred

Hero of the occasion.

He will like this day

I vouch for the words!

Congratulations in verses and prose

In verse

All that people are happy in the world

With all our hearts we wish for the anniversary!

Fun, sparkle eyes, bright smiles,

Attention relatives, warm friends!

And so that the sun shines brighter

On your long journey of life

And the heart was joyful and sweet

All that lies ahead!


How much I want to say!

We will not regret warm words.

We wish you no worries

And congratulations on your anniversary!

May he bring you success

And a lot of bold undertakings!

May there be fun in him, laughter

And the fulfillment of all desires!


How many good deeds have been done

How many different roads traveled -

I remember everything on this day

Only this is not the end!

Happy holiday, round date -

This is just a stopover

And to summarize too early -

Much more lies ahead!

In prose

When we were very young, they put as many candles on the cake as they turned years old.It’s a pity that now is not such a cake. Dear hero of the day, I would like to wish you so many years and as many candles as will go on all the cakes in the world. Happy anniversary!


On such a momentous day, I want to congratulate a wonderful person on their new peak - on the new anniversary! I wish you to continue boldly sailing through life, leaving all the setbacks and worries overboard, and confidently keep your course towards the islands of success and independence. I wish you to successfully conquer new heights in work and discover new pleasures in life. Happy anniversary!


It's no secret that the magic of numbers exists. Special numbers are round numbers. And today is your anniversary, and therefore the magic of numbers works at full capacity! Let this amazing magic attract all the best into your life: health, happiness, wealth, luck and family well-being! Happy anniversary!


I wish you strength such as that of a bull, wisdom like an owl, perseverance like a donkey, grace like a panther, grace like a gazelle, health like an elephant. Well, as much money as all this living creature weighs. Happy anniversary!