The reason many find it difficult to save is because they are trying to give up the things that they constantly need and without which they cannot live. Saving money this way is unrealistic. This can be compared with a diet: if you do not eat anything except cabbage and kefir for six days, on the seventh you will buy yourself 2 cakes, a ton of chocolates and chips.
For example, if you can’t give up the daily purchase of coffee in the morning, you should not do this. Yes, you spend 150-200 rubles, and for the year you could save about 55,000 rubles (an impressive amount?). But just pick one of the alternatives: Brew your coffee in the mornings, reduce the number of days when you drink or buy coffee at cheaper coffee houses, not at Starbucks.
Why is it so hard to give up your favorite habits? Let's look at the same example with coffee: do you buy it only for the sake of taste? Not only. So a hot drink can warm you in the cold season, wake up your body, give energy and strength. Coffee aroma can cheer you up. Moreover, you can drink your favorite drink with a work colleague, girlfriend, relative or loved one. What is no reason to talk or get close?
So, now let's look at realistic ways that will allow you to cut costs and save money. In this case, you do not have to give up something important and necessary, making yourself unhappy.
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At home
- Review your internet tariff. Consider using a mobile hotspot. Perhaps your operator’s service package on your smartphone provides the ability to distribute Wi-Fi to your computer, and you don’t have to spend money on internet.
- A little trick: call your Internet service provider and say that you would like to terminate the contract. Now every company appreciates its customers and, of course, would not want to lose them. Therefore, you must be offered any promotions or privileges. Take the opportunity and agree to a more profitable service option.
- Maintain cleanliness in the house, monitor the performance of appliances, as well as the car. Is the cable from the phone starting to break? Before it's too late, glue the problem area with electrical tape. The same thing with the machine: a regular oil change will cost you much less than an engine replacement.
- Try to fix the broken things yourself, without calling the craftsmen and plumbers. You may need to call your father, uncle, grandfather, or friend who knows this better than you. In any case, you do not have to pay money (treat yourself with a cup of coffee or invite to a family dinner instead). This life hack will help you save a significant amount if you try to paste the wallpaper yourself, hang a chandelier or a picture, fix a bathroom, assemble furniture and so on. Also, who canceled YouTube? This service will help you become an independent owner in your home.
Credit cards
- Consider moving to a bank that issues cards without a fee for servicing it. For example, Sberbank withdraws 60 rubles from your account every month, Tinkoff Bank - 99 rubles, while Rocketbank does not take money from you in principle.
- Call the support service of your bank (or use the chat in the mobile application of the same name) that issued you a card, and ask them to offer you a different, cheaper rate. Tell them that you want to pay a little less for the services of a mobile bank or for servicing a credit card. Most companies will try to fulfill your desire.
- You can refuse the many services that a bank imposes upon you when issuing a card. For example, the same alerts from a mobile bank. If you have an application on your smartphone, you will immediately receive a notification about the withdrawal or transfer of a certain amount (free of charge).
Nutrition planning
- Plan your foods and meals for a whole week. It is best to go to a large hypermarket once a week, buy food for the next 7 days, and then go to the supermarket for the week only if necessary. If, for example, you run out of apples, without which you cannot live.
- You can still go to the supermarket a second time in a week, but plan this trip, and most importantly, a shopping list in advance, so that this is not an impulsive decision.
- Prepare food for a week on Sunday, put it in containers and put in the refrigerator. If you think that the food will not stand for 5-6 days in the refrigerator, transfer it to the freezer. There she can be stored much longer. Just defrost or reheat the food in the microwave when you want to eat.
- Also consider how you will have a snack. Buy fruits or nuts for a whole week. Also, take them with you every time you leave the house to avoid unplanned shopping trips to buy chocolate bars or sweet baked goods or to visit food courts. The cost of fast food is now quite high.
- Before going to the hypermarket, you should definitely make a list of necessary purchases: food for the family or for pets, clothing, household goods, and so on. All that you need next week. If you are a sweet lover, include 1-2 chocolates in this list.
- Warning: buy only what is included in your list. If you see “buy 2 chocolates”, then you need to take exactly 2 chocolates from the shelf. Large brands aim to ensure that consumers consume their goods in large quantities. And you will take as many as 6 chocolates if you see that they have a special offer, or you realize that buying exactly 6 pieces will be cheaper.Do not fall for similar tricks of shops. Approach shopping consciously.
- Sell items, furniture, and interior items that you don’t use. You can’t even imagine how much money you are losing without putting up your old smartphone for sale. This will help you with various trading platforms like Avito or Yula, which make it possible to add an advertisement for the sale, upload all the necessary information about the item and its photo. After the buyer responds to your offer, you will receive a decent amount for what has long been gathering dust in your closet.
- Wait one week before buying anything to prevent impulse purchases. You tried on two dresses and realized that they are both to your face? Now you are ready to spend the extra money, so that in your wardrobe there are immediately 2 almost the same things? Wait at least a few days, first take only one dress. If you think all week about the need for a second thing, you will dream about it every night, then take it with confidence.
- Did you think there would be advice like “Try to buy cheaper stuff”? This is not always reasonable. If it comes to household appliances, appliances, electronics, gadgets and other durable goods, it’s worth it once to spend money and buy a better thing that will last you a long time than buying a budget one that will fail in a week. As a result, you will spend a large amount trying to repair it (or even buy a new one).
- On the other hand, you can buy used goods. Go to the same Avito, there are many offers where you can get a fairly high-quality product at a low price. Be extremely careful, check the condition of the thing for which you give money, in person.
- Take care of your clothes. Hang the sweater at the end of the day on a hanger so that it does not stretch. So it will last you longer.
- Take care of your diet. Try to maintain your weight so that there are no sudden jumps. If you often gain and lose weight, you need to buy new things from time to time. But why constant updating, if theoretically you can keep the weight on the same level, without changing clothes?
- Buy more often in one store. Loyal customers are always given discounts.
- Use bonus points and accumulate them on special store cards. You may be able to save a large amount.
- Do not view brand sites when you are bored. This is very dangerous: the thought of changing your wardrobe, smartphone or furniture may appear in your head.
Fun and lifestyle
- Do you like club nightlife? Visit free places and don’t order alcoholic drinks (or buy them in advance in stores).
- Visit museums on days when tickets are cheaper. The same thing with the movie: get up at 9 in the morning and go to the session at 10. You will save at least 100 rubles.
It is interesting:silver cleaning at home
- Why do you need a tutor? Now there are a lot of manuals, books and even applications on smartphones that will help you become a guru in a foreign language. Just take the time to learn and you won’t need a personal teacher.
- Terminate the contract with your gym. Sell your subscription at a reduced price to another person who wants to study in the hall. Buy special equipment, uniforms and practice daily at home. Look for training videos online. Run outdoors if you like cardio.
- Why don't you want to celebrate birthdays at home? This is such a saving. You pay for the rental of premises, services and food. You can save at least 5-7 thousand if you organize a holiday at home. If you think you can’t do it, ask your relatives or friends to help you. Let someone decorate the room, and another helps you prepare dishes.
- Ask your friends to give you their child’s unnecessary clothes. Surely she just gathers dust in the closet.And a married couple will be able to give it to you for free.
- Visit the library. They provide free toys, books, a workplace, playgrounds and entertainment.
- Ask mom or her friend to sit with your child when you need to leave. Surely she will ask for a smaller amount than a woman from any company. A neighborhood teenager can even be an assistant, who will entertain your child for several hours while you are not at home.
- Dine not in the cafe on the ground floor, but with the food you need to take from home. Believe me, the container will not add weight to your handbag.
- Why not walk to the office in the morning? So you will save not only on travel, but also on a gym membership. Pretty good workout!
- If you rent an office, try sharing the board with another businessman.
These tips are pretty simple and easy to follow. Try to implement them, and you will notice that in your wallet there will be much more money.