No one likes being sick. Even commonplace acute respiratory infections and flu significantly spoil the mood and often put a person out of action. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The world of diagnoses is much larger and sometimes includes truly impressive diseases.

Mirror synesthesia

People often hear phrases like “I understand you,” “I know how you feel.” There are those who pronounce it, knowingly deceiving a little. There are people who can literally feel the pain and emotions of their interlocutors. Such people can experience pain when they see someone being beaten even in the movies.

Headaches from intimacy and eroticism

Sexual life is usually associated only with pleasant emotions and sensations. Unfortunately, not at all. Some people experience terrible headaches that last several days immediately after sex. Moreover, they arise not only from the act itself, but also from the harmless viewing of adult video.


Our memory is imperfect. Time goes by, memories slip away. Some people cannot even remember what they ate the day before yesterday. Someone, on the contrary, remembers entire encyclopedias.There are also those who remember every day of their lives and every event that happened to him during the whole time of his existence. Here you will not envy them

Congenital absence of pain

In blockbusters, this is presented as superpower. In reality, everything is not so impressive. People who do not feel pain do not notice fractures, inflammation, or even glass in their eyes. Because of this, they often miss serious diseases and die.

A disease from the work “A Nightmare on Elm Street”

This film was made after its author read the news about how several people unexpectedly died in a dream for no apparent reason.

Tearing head syndrome

There are people who hear incredibly loud sounds in their heads that significantly ruin their lives. Sounds resemble shots and blows by a heavy object. Some of the patients kill themselves just to not hear it.

Maine Leaping French Syndrome

In the 19th century there was a group of men working as woodcutters. They all suffered the same disease. They were too scared, bouncing and showing rigidity in relation to the one who scares them.

Kotar Syndrome

You probably heard about zombies and you know what they are. But this is in the movies, but in reality, the living dead are not much different from ordinary people. They just have Cotard's syndrome. They consider themselves dead or say that they have lost a hand (although it is in place).

Sensitivity to electromagnetic field

Allergy people by all means avoid objects that can cause symptoms of their ailment, but what if the hands are covered with a rash from a change in the electromagnetic field of the earth? Doctors haven’t come up with anything yet.

Water urticaria

What to do with water allergies? Unless to wash less often.

Deadly insomnia

Have you ever had to stay awake for two or three days? Maybe. And two or three months? People suffering from this type of insomnia never sleep and die of powerlessness.

Fregoli Syndrome

Ever thought that people around you have been replaced by fake ones? If the answer is yes, then you may have Fregoli cider.

Cannibal syndrome

Eating your own kind is not just wildness. This is a real disease that even modern people living in the civilized world still face.

Compulsive indecision

Can't choose a suitable outfit for a walk? And someone cannot decide whether to get out of bed at all, staying in it for the whole day.

Stendhal syndrome

It is also called Paris and Jerusalem. It manifests itself differently depending on the location of the potential patient. In Jerusalem, people go crazy and begin to proclaim themselves saints. In Paris, they face hallucinations and loss of consciousness due to the fact that Paris is not as beautiful and incredible as a person imagined.


This is a genetic malfunction that turns the soft tissues of a person’s body into bones. Over time, a person becomes almost motionless.

Cold allergy

Someone trembles from the cold, and someone blushes, itches and faints. Some even experience gagging and dizziness. They are contraindicated in the cold for a long time.

Epidermosplasia (tree syndrome)

One of the most vile diseases that turns human tissues into ugly solid particles that resemble the bark of a tree.

Xeroderma (vampire disease)

Another terrible type of allergy that does not allow a person to be in the sun for a long time. The skin is covered with a rash and spots that cause discomfort.


A terrible ailment, due to which some people have different parts of the body that swell greatly. It can be legs, arms and even a head. With this disease, the human body becomes truly huge.


Human diseases are so diverse that people can turn into not only the likeness of elephants, but also into werewolves. With hypertrichosis, people grow hair from head to toe.

Alien hand syndrome

In some people, this limb lives its own life, not obeying the owner.

Foreign accent syndrome

A strange and at first glance stupid ailment, forcing a person to speak with a foreign accent, even if he never knew other languages ​​and did not travel outside his country.


A terrible diagnosis, which leads to the fact that the patient simply forgets the way his close people look and cannot remember anyone's appearance.

One-way spatial ignoring

People with these diagnoses simply do not know about the existence of half of their lives. They draw only half of the face or animal. They eat only half of the contents of their plate.


If you can boast of a rich imagination, then you are a happy person. There are people who, unfortunately, are not able to at least imagine something in their heads. No people, no addresses, not even your yard. The head is empty without end and does not contain any visual images.