Men until a certain point were unconditionally considered a privileged part of the world's population, despite the dawn of feminism and activists advocating for equality.

However, there are a number of things that only males can do.

Change your mind

It is generally accepted in society that a man can change his views at any time. When a woman changes her position, everyone begins to resent and do not take her seriously.

Walk topless

Women cannot walk without a bra. This is shameful and dirty, and in some countries they can be punished with a serious fine or a term. In the case of men, no prohibitions exist.

To go to the toilet wherever you want

Here nature decided to make life easier for men. It’s easier for them to go to meet a small need anywhere. No need to think about where to sit down and take care not to stain your trousers.

Look good regardless of the situation

It's not about male narcissism, but about the fact that the appearance of a man is much less dependent on beautiful clothes and, moreover, does not depend on makeup. No wonder there is a phrase “A man should be only a little prettier than a monkey”.

Wear any clothes

Guys can dress as they please. There are no fashionable restrictions and certain conditions to match the style. Often they dress in absolutely terrible clothes, and they do not care.

Earn more

Unfortunately, equality does not exist in the workplace. Men still earn more simply because they were born with a different set of chromosomes. The authorities trust them more and more often give more respectable positions. Girls are often kept at the level of secretaries.

Grow a beard

Many men have a chic tool for self-decoration - a beard. It is enough to grow facial hair, and you will look much more courageous and respectable. Women are not capable of such tricks. For them, the appearance of a mustache or beard is a real tragedy that urgently needs to be fought.

Carry money in wallet

Not that women are forbidden to have purses with money. No, the fact is that they like to spend it, and men like to save and collect money. Therefore, they almost always have more of them.

Not conform to standards

Society has created a ton of standards for women. They must look and behave in a certain way so as not to catch judgmental glances and censures. Society accepts men in any form.

Do not shave body hair

A woman for unshaven legs and armpits in the literal sense can get choked. Men often grow from head to toe. This does not bother anyone. Moreover, some even find this attractive.

Conceive a child

Without men, it is impossible to reproduce people (at least for the time being). Both genders are necessary for procreation. So even feminists can’t do without guys even in this matter.

Giving rights to other people

Historically, only men gave additional rights to other people. Women were allowed to vote, freed slaves, abolished dictatorial laws, and so on.

Avoid excessive attention on social networks

Guys are usually not reached on the Internet, but women always suffer from increased attention. There are a thousand and one anxious ones who want to meet, who will desperately try to please, sending ridiculous messages and their own photos.

Live without menstruation

Another physiological feature that makes girls' lives somewhat worse and less comfortable than men. Almost throughout life, at least once a month, you have to suffer from pain. Men are deprived of this curse.

Drink more

Two factors came together right away. First, men get drunk more slowly and need more alcohol to get drunk. Secondly, society is more loyal to alcoholic men.

Shave your head

If a guy shaves his head, then no one will look at him as if he were crazy. In society, bald men are normally perceived. But women without hair on their heads are not held in high esteem.

Aging is beautiful

With age, men become more solid. Gaining signs of old age is even to some extent beneficial to the male gender. Unfortunately, aging women do not perceive so positively.

Engage in serious sports

In any popular sport, men most often appear. Popular footballers and hockey players are guys, despite the fact that girls also know how to play (sometimes even better).

Sitting apart

Over the past two years, the term Menspreading has become popular on the web. This is the position of a man when he sits in public transport, spreading his legs, taking up a lot of space.

Walk dirty

Some women say they like the smell of male sweat. Untidy man is perceived as a hard worker. At the same time, a foul-smelling or poorly dressed woman immediately turns into an object of hatred.