The range of pharmacological cough medicines offered by pharmacies is huge. But recipes of traditional medicine do not lose their popularity, due to accessibility and safety. Provided that they are correctly used and correctly diagnosed, they are able to compete with expensive drugs. The most effective folk remedies for cough are collected in the proposed material.
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Treatment of cough with folk remedies in adults
A cough is a reaction that develops in response to inflammation and respiratory infections. It accompanies many diseases: bronchitis of various forms, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and also often accompanies helminthiases. Therefore, before starting symptomatic treatment, it is important to establish the cause of the cough. In addition, its nature is also important - dry, horseman or wet, with the separation of a large amount of thick sputum.
With sputum
Sputum is the mucus that the bronchi produce. In a small amount (100 ml per day), it is excreted in a healthy state, and the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi lifts it up and out of the respiratory tract.
When the mucous membranes are affected by sputum infection, much more is secreted, it becomes viscous, and the cilia of the epithelium cope poorly with its elimination. Therefore, the main goal of wet cough therapy is to dilute secretions.
For this, inhalations are used:
- Soda-saline solution. For 1 teaspoon of baking soda and salt (can be sea), mix in 1 liter of warm boiled water and pour into a nebulizer.If the device is not at hand, or the model is not designed for the use of soda solution, it can be heated in a saucepan, covered with a towel and breathed in steam.
- Potato Pairs Boil a few small potatoes in their skins, cool with water to 45 ° C, cover with a towel and breathe in steam.
A good mucolytic effect has paste, which is prepared as follows:
- chop aloe leaves and squeeze 100 ml of juice;
- squeeze 100 ml of juice from fresh lemon;
crush a handful of peeled walnuts with a pestle, combine with aloe juice and - lemon, add 1 tablespoon of honey.
The resulting mixture can be refrigerated and consumed with a wet cough 3 times a day, 25 ml each.
Dry cough: with an expectorant effect
With a painful cough without sputum, the lining of the respiratory tract is inflamed, mucus is produced in negligible amounts, and the inflammation “dry” irritates the cough receptors. A cough of this nature is called "unproductive." Therefore, dry cough remedies have other goals: reduce inflammation and swelling, increase sputum production.
In such cases, inhalation is also useful:
- 6 tablespoons of the eucalyptus leaf, pour 1 liter of boiling water, darken on the stove for 10 minutes, cool to 45 C and breathe over steam;
- Break 2 pine cones, chop, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, strain, cool to 45 ° C and breathe over steam;
- 1 cup fresh spruce needles pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, strain, cool to 45 C and breathe.
After the procedure, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with honey and the addition of a teaspoon of butter.
Milk-ginger tea has an excellent expectorant effect:
- take 4 tablespoons of finely grated ginger for 2 liters of boiling water;
- darken on the stove for 10 minutes;
- insist 5 minutes and strain;
- dilute the drink with milk 1: 2 and sweeten as desired with honey.
To increase the productivity of a cough, in addition to these drinks, you need to drink as much as possible of any warm liquid.
Herbal decoctions and infusions
Treatment of cough with folk remedies rarely dispenses with herbal preparations.
The following decoctions and infusions are especially popular:
- Licorice root broth. Take 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 250 ml of boiling water and darken on the stove for 30 minutes. Insist another 40 minutes after turning off the fire, strain and restore the volume with warm water to the original. Consume 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
- Linden broth with birch buds. For 0.5 cups of birch buds, take 1 cup of linden blossom. Pour raw materials with 1.5 cups of boiling water and darken on the stove for 5 minutes. Cool, filter and drink the finished broth in equal portions in one day.
- Infusion of coltsfoot. 4 tablespoons of grass brew 2 cups boiling water. Insist wrapped 20 minutes. Filter and consume a warm infusion of 50 ml 4 times a day.
- Thyme infusion. Brew 4 tablespoons of cut grass with 2 cups boiling water and hold for 15 minutes under the lid. Filter, sweeten as desired with honey and consume 100 ml before meals.
Mentioned herbs can be combined with each other, or combined with other plant components with mucolytic properties: calamus, dandelion or elecampane roots, plantain leaves, marigold flowers.
Berries, fruits and vegetables as a means of fighting colds
Berry and vegetable crops prepared in a special way can be of help in the treatment of a cold cough:
- Carrots with milk. Squeeze 250 ml of juice from fresh carrots and refrigerate. During the day 5 times take 50 ml of juice, pour 50 ml of hot milk and drink.
- "Spicy milk." Peel 4-6 small onions and 1 head of garlic, scroll through a meat grinder. Pour the mixture with warmed milk so that it covers the onion-garlic mass. Warm up over low heat for 5 minutes, add 4 tablespoons of honey, beat in a puree with a blender.Take 3 times a day, 20 ml.
- Onion with sugar. Chop 1 large onion finely, put in a bowl and cover with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Cover and leave for 2.5 hours. Then decant the resulting juice and consume it 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
- Berry infusion. 2 tablespoons of fresh berries of viburnum, lingonberry or black currant, brew with 2 cups boiling water, wrap and insist 2 hours. After straining, add honey as desired and drink 4-1 times a day in a 0.5-1 cup.
The listed funds are often found in ancient collections of folk recipes. They have a pronounced mucolytic and restorative effect.
Medicines with honey
Honey is an ingredient in many folk remedies for a cold cough. It contains both substances that contribute to the elimination of sputum, and compounds that soothe cough receptors.
The most famous “honey” cough recipe is black radish with honey.
There are several ways to prepare such a tool, but the simplest is as follows:
- with a washed but unpeeled small radish, cut off the top horizontally;
- with a knife and spoon, make a notch in the pulp of the root crop;
- put a tablespoon of honey in the recess;
- cover with a chopped top like a lid;
- insist 12 hours.
During this time, the notch will be filled with radish juice, which is mixed with honey. The resulting syrup to use 1 teaspoon 3 times during the day.
Rinse Recipes
Quite often, with a prolonged dry cough, the throat begins to suffer. And, on the contrary, with diseases of the throat, mucus accumulating on the tonsils drains into the trachea and causes a cough. Therefore, rinsing is an important procedure in the treatment of respiratory infections.
To cleanse and soften your throat, you can use the following recipes:
- Saline solution with iodine. Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of table salt in 1 cup of warm water and drop 2-3 drops of iodine.
- Camomile tea. 2 tablespoons of grass pour 2 cups of boiling water and hold for 15 minutes, covered with a lid. Filter and cool to a warm state.
- Sage tea. Cook like chamomile infusion.
Gargling with coughing is carried out 3-4 times a day. For greater effectiveness, funds can be alternated.
Coughing - medication for adults
For the treatment of persistent cough, do not rely on one of the remedies. It will be more correct to combine several recipes and methods of therapy. In addition, you should calm the cough receptors, which in this state often respond even to inhaled air.
To do this, you can use the following recipe:
- warm a glass of milk to a warm, but not hot condition;
- drive a raw chicken egg into it;
- add a tablespoon of linden honey.
Beat the mass with a whisk and drink it overnight. This product is suitable only for adults who are not allergic to eggs and honey. In addition, it is important to monitor the quality of the egg and the absence of salmonella in it.
If the cough does not go away and does not become productive within 7 days, you must consult a doctor.
The most effective folk remedies for quick action
Fast-acting folk remedies that help relieve coughing attacks are, as a rule, distracting and locally irritating. Their principle of action is as follows: certain areas are irritated on the body, the rush of blood to which causes the bronchi to expand, produce mucus, and cough receptors calm down.
Mustard is the most famous effective cough suppressant. Now pharmacy chains offer convenient mustard packages that do not leave mustard grains on the skin. They should be moistened with warm water, put on the area of the bronchi and covered with a dry cloth. Hold for 5-10 minutes.
Another effective and quick remedy for stopping coughing fits is vodka rubbing. The back and chest of the patient are reddened with vodka mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1.Then the chest is tied with a woolen scarf.
Pregnant cough treatment
Apply traditional methods of treating cough in pregnant women should be cautious. Some herbs can cause unexpected side effects - from allergies to uterine hypertonicity.
The safest remedies include the following:
- Milk with figs. Brew 2-3 dry fruits with 250 ml of hot milk and darken on the stove for 10 minutes. Drink milk with figs 3 times a day, 1 glass in a warm form.
- Banana broth. 2 ripe or slightly overripe bananas, mashed. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar in 1 cup of hot water, put banana puree in the solution and warm the mass well over low heat. Cool a little and drink the broth hot 4-5 times a day.
These drugs make dry cough productive. They can be given not only to pregnant women, but also to children.
The advantage of treatment with alternative methods is that the body weakened by the infection does not receive an extra chemical load, as in the treatment with medicines. But before using the means given in the article, you must make sure that the cough develops as a result of a respiratory infection. If it is caused by helminthiases, tumors, allergies, a different approach is required.
- Tatyana