Piquant carrot is an original addition to meat, mushroom and other snacks. You can cook this spicy product yourself or buy it ready-made in the department of Korean cuisine. The following are the best options for salads with Korean carrots.

Korean carrot and chicken salad

This appetizer has a separate elegant name "Isabella". Ingredients: 2 smoked chicken legs (chicken), a pound of fresh champignons, 230 g Korean carrots, 2 pcs. purple onions, 3 pickles, salt.

  1. Mushrooms and onions are chopped, and then fried in oil.
  2. Meat and cucumbers are cut in bars. Eggs are boiled and crumbled into cubes.
  3. The appetizer is collected in layers: chicken - onion with mushrooms - cucumbers - eggs - carrots.

You can’t dress the salad with Korean carrots and chicken with any sauce. Enough oil from fried vegetables and liquids from the spicy component. You just need to salt the appetizer.

Bean Recipe

For this dish option, it is best to choose canned white beans. She needs 130 grams. The remaining ingredients: large purple onion, dry garlic, large carrots, salt, 1.5 large tablespoons of vinegar, a pinch of paprika and coriander, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

  1. The beans are washed with water and mixed with half rings of onions.
  2. These products are sent carrots, crushed with a special grater.
  3. Salt, garlic and seasonings are mixed separately, after which they are poured with boiling oil. Vinegar is poured into the mixture.
  4. Marinade is poured on vegetables.

You can serve a salad with Korean carrots and beans immediately after thoroughly mixing all the ingredients.

With crab sticks

This is a very unusual combination of products that everyone should try.Ingredients: 220 g of ready-made piquant carrots, a can of corn (canned food), 4 pcs. boiled chicken eggs, a pack of crab sticks (200 g), salt, sour cream.

  1. Eggs and sticks are cut into cubes.
  2. Corn is laid out on a colander.
  3. All prepared ingredients and carrots are mixed. Salt is added.

Dressing a salad with Korean carrots and crab sticks is allowed with sour cream or mayonnaise. You can add garlic to your chosen sauce.

Smoked breast and Korean carrot salad

The appetizer interestingly combines the freshness of cucumbers and the spice of carrots. Ingredients: 120 g Korean carrot salad, smoked chicken breast, 4 pcs. boiled chicken eggs, 2 cucumbers, 60 g of hard cheese, salt, mayonnaise.

  1. Eggs crumble into small cubes. Smoked meat and cucumbers are ground in a similar way.
  2. If the strips of carrots are too long, you can cut them in half.
  3. Appetizer is going: eggs - breast - cucumbers - carrots - cheese.

Layers are sprinkled to taste with salt and smeared with a layer of mayonnaise.

With smoked sausage

Such a simple and very quick salad can be served to guests. Ingredients: a pack of white crackers (preferably cheese or sour cream), 170 g high-quality smoked sausage, 220 g spicy carrots, a can of corn (canned), salt, 2 large spoons of mayonnaise and sour cream.

  1. It is necessary to grind only a sausage. It is cut with smooth beautiful cubes.
  2. In the salad bowl all the ingredients from the recipe are mixed.

Last of all, the appetizer is salted and seasoned with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise.

With mushrooms

Mushrooms can be taken and forest, but they will have to mess around a little longer. The recipe describes the option with fresh champignons (90 g). The remaining ingredients: 2 potatoes, onion, 70 g of Korean carrots, a mixture of peppers, salt, vegetable oil.

  1. Miniature pieces of fresh mushrooms are thoroughly fried with onion cubes.
  2. The potato is peeled and cooked until soft, after which it is finely cut.
  3. All prepared foods and spiced carrots are mixed in a bowl.

It remains to salt the appetizer, pour oil, mix and serve.

Hedgehog salad with Korean carrots

The name of this dish tells how it can be originally decorated - in the form of a prickly forest resident. Ingredients: 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 90 g of hard cheese, 180 g of Korean carrots, 320 g of fresh mushrooms, onion, 80 g of olives, 1 chicken breast, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. Eggs are pre-cooked and chopped using a medium grater.
  2. Cheese rubs a little larger.
  3. The breast is cut into slices and fried until golden with small slices of mushrooms.
  4. Olives get rid of pits. Each of them is cut into 4 parts.
  5. Onions crumble into cubes and scalded with boiling water.
  6. All ingredients, except cheese and carrots, are mixed, salted, seasoned with mayonnaise. The hedgehog silhouette is formed from them.
  7. Cheese salad sprinkled on top. Carrots spread the entire part of the workpiece, except for the "muzzle". Let it remain light - cheesy.

Eyes and nose can be made from olives.

With corn

This is one of the most popular varieties of salad with the addition of Korean carrots. Ingredients: 320 g ham, 160 g carrots, fresh cucumber, 2 pcs. chicken eggs, 180 g of cheese, mayonnaise.

  1. Cheese is ground with a coarse grater.
  2. The ham is chopped into thin strips.
  3. Cucumber rubs on a grater and squeezes from the liquid.
  4. Boiled eggs crumble into cubes.
  5. The snack is laid out in layers: cheese - ham - cheese - ham - eggs - cucumber - carrots. Each is smeared with mayonnaise.

Almost all products from the recipe are salty. Therefore, in addition, the component can not be used.

With liver

Beef liver is taken for salad. Ingredients: 130 g Korean carrots, 2pcs. chicken eggs, onion, 320 g of liver, salt, mayonnaise, seasoning.

  1. The liver is cooked in salt water for 45-55 minutes and cut into strips.
  2. Hard-boiled eggs are chopped into cubes.
  3. Onions crumble into cubes and fry in oil.
  4. All prepared foods and carrots are combined.

The appetizer needs to be salted and seasoned with mayonnaise. To taste, any seasonings are added to it.

Korean style carrot salad

Tasty recipe: Korean carrot recipe at home

For satiety, chicken fillet is added to the appetizer. Ingredients: 160 g Korean carrots, 1 fillet, 80 g hard cheese, 3 pcs. chicken eggs, chive, salt, mayonnaise.

  1. Mayonnaise is combined with crushed garlic.
  2. In separate pans, eggs and chicken are boiled.
  3. The fillet breaks into fibers, the cheese rubs coarsely. The eggs are cut large.
  4. The snack is laid out in layers: chicken - carrot - grated cheese - eggs. Each is smeared with sauce. They can be added to taste.

Garnished with greens.

How to cook with crackers?

Another salad from the “quick hand” category. Ingredients: 300 g of Beijing cabbage, Korean carrots and smoked chicken, a handful of white crackers, a clove of garlic, mayonnaise.

  1. Cabbage is washed with cold water and finely chopped.
  2. Chicken is cut into thin slices.
  3. Mayonnaise is combined with crushed garlic.
  4. All products from the recipe (except crackers) are combined in a salad bowl, salted and seasoned with the resulting sauce.

Dried slices of bread appetizer sprinkled on top before serving. If you mix crackers with all the ingredients at once, then they will quickly soak and stop in an unappetizing slurry.


  • Svetlana

    Great, thanks