Skin tone directly depends on the elasticity of muscle fibers. It is useful for women to learn how to perform exercises for the hands so that the skin does not hang.
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Causes of sagging skin on the hands
The following unfavorable conditions lead to visual sagging of the skin:
- Age-related changes. After 25, collagen production is gradually reduced in the body. This element of connective tissue is responsible for the firmness, elasticity of the skin, protects against moisture loss.
- Lack of physical activity. Without training, the muscles become lethargic, lose a clear relief, sag along with the skin.
- Excess body weight. Adipose tissue is soft and loose in structure, does not hold shape and sags under its own weight.
- Abuse of tanning. Under the influence of ultraviolet, collagen synthesis is reduced, the skin loses elasticity even in young women.
- Rapid loss or permanent changes in body weight. As the fat layer increases, the skin stretches, after a sharp weight loss, it cannot quickly return to its previous size, so it sags.
The skin loses its tone with a lack of protein, a lack of fluid in the body.
A set of exercises for girls, women
On the inner and back side of the shoulder, triceps lie under the skin, they occupy 2/3 of the muscle mass and play a major role in the formation of toned, beautiful hands.
In ordinary life, triceps are responsible for extension of the limbs, do not participate in weight lifting like biceps, so they do not have enough load.
To tighten the skin, they perform a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the triceps and neighboring muscles - deltoid and biceps:
- Push-ups from a vertical surface. We exactly stand up against the wall, lean with our palms at the height of the chest, put our hands already shoulder width, step back a step.Then we bend forward, bending the elbow joints, and return to the starting position. After a month of regular classes, we complicate the exercise by increasing the distance to the wall and the angle of inclination.
- Rotation. We place straight arms to the sides, bend our elbows slightly, perform smooth rotational movements, changing the amplitude and direction. The first two exercises knead the joints, warm the muscles before power loads.
- Back push ups. We sit down on a chair, put our palms on the edge with our fingers forward, bend our knees at a right angle. Slowly move the pelvis and lower to the floor, then raise the body to its initial position, without touching the chair. Over time, we complicate the exercise - we perform it with outstretched legs.
- The hammer. We stand straight, we put our feet shoulder width apart, we lower our hands along the body. By inhalation, raise the hands with dumbbells, the elbows remain in place and are completely bent. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.
- Grasshopper. From a standing position, we tilt the body forward, keep your back straight, bend your knees slightly and raise your bent elbows back to the height of the shoulder joint, hands with dumbbells hang freely. By inhalation, we slowly straighten our forearms back, on exhalation we return to the initial position, the elbows remain motionless.
- Alternating extension of the forearms with weight. Sitting on a chair, we straighten one arm with dumbbell. The elbow joint is bent and we put the brush behind the head and raise it to its initial position. Then go to the other hand.
- Dumbbell pull up. In a standing position, hands lie freely along the body with palms inward. As you exhale, raise your hands with weights to the chin, lower them as you inhale.
- French bench press. We sit down in a chair, grab the bar of the dumbbell with both hands, lift it above our heads. On inspiration we lower the burden behind the back, until the elbow is completely bent, on the exhale we raise it. This exercise can be done from a standing position and lying on a bench, the technique of execution does not change.
- Exercise with an expander. We fix one end of the gymnastic gum with the left foot, the other with the same brush. On exhalation, we straighten the arm up, hold it for 2 - 3 seconds, take it back to the starting position for inhalation. Repeat the exercise with the right hand.
- Plank with palm rest and bent elbows. Lie belly on the floor, put the brush under the shoulders. We tear off the body from the surface, resting on toes and palms, keep the back straight, set our forearms almost perpendicular to the floor, bend our elbows at about an angle of 90 degrees. In this position, we delay until fatigue appears.
These exercises have double benefits for full girls: tighten the skin on the inside of the shoulder and remove excess fat in the axillary region.
The main mistakes in training
Beginners make 5 frequent mistakes:
- Take excessive loads and wait for quick results.
- Choose a weight with too much weight.
- Make up the wrong class schedule.
- Perform strength exercises without warming up.
- Make sudden movements and jerks.
Errors lead to muscle strain, sprain of the shoulder joint, irritability, fatigue and termination of training.
Prevention, recommendations for classes
The tips of fitness trainers will tell you how to tighten the skin on your hands faster and without harm to health:
- Classes are held first 3, then 4 times a week with breaks of at least 24 hours. With daily training, the muscles do not have time to recover, if classes are carried out less often, then their effect decreases.
- At the beginning of the course, dumbbells up to 1 kg or liter bottles of water are taken, the weight is weighted gradually. If the goal is not to build muscle mass, they are limited to weights of 2 - 2.5 kg.
- The first weeks of the exercise are performed 5 times in 2 to 3 sets with breaks of 1 to 2 minutes. Gradually increase the load: the number of repetitions - up to 15 - 20, and the number of approaches up to 3 - 4.
- All movements are performed slowly and smoothly.
- They exhale at the moment of muscle tension, inhale during relaxation.
- Do not start strength exercises without a warm-up.
- The duration of classes is gradually increased from 30 to 60 minutes per day.
It is better to think about the beauty of hands beforehand, until the skin sags.
The following preventive measures will help:
- Refuse rigid diets, lose weight gradually, while strengthening muscles. Include protein, vegetables, and fruits in your diet.
- To slow down age-related changes, use caring hand cosmetics.
- In summer, apply sunscreen to exposed areas.
Skin elasticity is supported by massage, contrast shower, body wraps, swimming and dancing.
Contraindications to exercise
They don’t start training without consulting a doctor in the following conditions:
- Injuries, dislocations of joints less than 3 months ago.
- Disorders of the heart and blood vessels: hypertension, heart attack, arrhythmia.
- Spinal diseases.
- Pathologies of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus.
To eliminate sagging skin and the formation of a beautiful relief of the hands will require patience. The first results appear after 3 months of regular exercises, noticeable changes in the skin condition - after 9 - 12 months.