Beauty requires sacrifice. But how far can we go in pursuit of attractiveness? Is she really worth it to go against her? Everyone has an opinion on this. Although some beauty procedures are really on the verge of a foul.

Today we have compiled a collection of such frenzy that people (mostly women) go for health and attractiveness.

Snail Therapy

A very popular type of procedure in Thailand. Despite the effectiveness, not every girl will decide on this.

Snail Therapy Procedure in Thailand


Pursues several goals. Some resort to it to get rid of diseases - for example, arthritis. Others are for rejuvenation. Still others are for getting rid of fear of bees. One way or another, it’s worth remembering: Bee stings often cause severe allergies.

Apitherapy is used by some to rejuvenate.

Massage with snakes in Israel

And what purpose this procedure pursues is not clear: it is done either to relax, or to be scared properly. They say that the sensations are like stroking with a small hand. Although ... trying to somehow desire does not arise.

Snake massage is gaining popularity in Israel

Beer Spas

Procedure is popular in Germany and Austria. Rumor has it that the beer bath helps to relieve stress, improve skin and even improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In hotels in Germany and Austria you can get a service such as a beer bath

Volcanic Sand Baths

We all heard about mud baths, but to dive completely in black sand? This procedure is especially popular in Japan. Sometimes it is combined with other cosmetic procedures. For example, with the application of nourishing masks on the face.

Diving in volcanic sand is popular in the Land of the Rising Sun


Procedure for extreme sports. Those who wish to get well come into cryochamber filled with liquid nitrogen. Every quarter minute, a temperature of -130С is created in it.

Reiki with horses in Australia

Reiki is a pseudoscientific esoteric movement whose participants "share energy." A new course of Reiki is gaining momentum in Oz at in which the participant “heals” and “rejuvenates” with the presence and touch of horses.Doubtful idea! But she has many followers.

Massage with Katie Basti dough

Massage treatments are always beneficial for health and improving the general condition of the body. So why not do them using a test? That is what the followers of Ayurveda decided. Katie Basti's procedure involves massage with a dough and warming the lower back with hot oil.

“Feel like a pie”

Spa in broth

In Japan, a spa treatment is becoming popular during which customers are immersed in a rich broth. And then artificial noodles are added there. Initially, they used the real one, but then it became prohibited by the Japanese Ministry of Health. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun themselves are convinced that the procedure is very beneficial for health and beauty.

The Japanese are confident that the collagen in the pork broth nourishes the skin well and prevents aging

Although some laws do not care, and they take a bath with real noodles at home.

What could be more relaxing than a noodle bath!

By the way, an even more unusual beauty procedure in Japan is a wine font.

The wine bath, the Japanese are convinced, rejuvenates the body and improves skin condition

Yoga with goats

This type of activity is now fashionable in America. During the asanas, a goat is stamped by a practitioner. Animals are used to complicate the execution of poses. In this type of yoga, goats of a special breed are involved, who like to climb mountain surfaces.

The weight of the goats is 10-15 kg

Bonus: hot cans come back

This procedure was popular during the Soviet era. And it arose even earlier - For the first time, the ancient Chinese healers began to “set up banks”. Some beauty salons, apparently, decided to return to the "grandmother's methods", including this practice in the menu of their services.

In some institutions, they are struggling with muscle clamps, as well as cellulite.

It is known that “put the banks” even some athletes in order to quickly tone the body.

Have you ever participated in unusual - or even crazy - beauty procedures? Share in the comments.