Oz attracts tourists from all over the world. But how much do we know about her? Glowing bugs instead of snow for Christmas; unusual sockets; bird simulating the sound of a car engine... All this is amazing Australia.
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Ugly fruits at a low cost
In Australian stores, you can buy unattractive fruit at a low price. So farmers convey the idea to the population: even if a lemon or an orange is not very beautiful in appearance, it can be just as tasty like his perfect brother.
There is a metro but no subway
Metro in Oz is not the most popular form of transport. Only the ground type exists here. It works according to a special time system: passengers can use it for two hours or a whole day. But only 1 out of 10 Australians use buses or the subway. The rest prefer to walk or ride bicycles.
Strange Outlets
Australian outlets seem common only to residents of New Zealand, New Guinea and Fiji. And everyone else has to get an adapter. The voltage height in the home network is 230 volts. There are special switches on the sockets that ensure safety.
Wedgemite is Australia's national dish. It is a paste, in consistency similar to nutella. Wedgemite is made from brewer's yeast with vegetables and seasonings.Tasting this paste for the first time, it often seems nasty. And the taste is impossible to determine: like something salty with different impurities. But this is only at first. Many come to taste through time.
Toothy Koalas
Local residents often warn tourists about the danger: while walking in the country of Oz, you can meet toothy koalas. These are large, aggressive animals that live on the tops of trees. They attack people from above. There are many ways to protect yourself. For example, attach a table fork to your head. Or smudge a little Wedjimite on the forehead. Or try talking to koalas with an Australian accent - it can pacify them a bit.
Believe it? Fortunately, toothy koalas - just a myth that locals love to scare unsuspecting tourists. So if one of the Australians tells you such a tale, you should know that there are no predatory koalas in nature.
Squirrel as an exotic animal
For most people on earth, exotic animals are kangaroos, emo ostriches, capybaras. But Australians consider the squirrel outlandish as an outlandish beast. Countless inhabitants of the wild world live in Oz. But squirrels populate all continents except Antarctica and Australia. Therefore, when a local resident sees a squirrel, he comes right into a state of childish delight.
Christmas bugs
In Australia, the opposite is true. Of course, people don’t walk head down on their hands. But their summer begins in December, and winter in June. Therefore, the main winter holidays fall in their mid-summer. No snow is one of the main attributes of Christmas among Australians. At this time, you can see luminous beetles everywhere. Fortunately, they are not at all dangerous and do not bite people.
A bird simulating ambient sounds
Australian lyrebirds have a unique ability to imitate. They reproduce different ambient sounds - and not only natural ones. Lyrebird is trying in every way to repeat the noise of the operation of car engines, camera clicks, phone calls and much more. Lyrebirds often imitate barking dogs or crying children, which usually confuses parents.
Australia is the birthplace of selfie
Since 2013, the whole world uses the word "selfie". But few know that it was originally part of the Australian slang. He was invented in 2002 by an Australian who, while intoxicated, wrote it on one of the forums.
Flying doctor
In the country of Oz since 1928 there is an air medical care service. Doctors on airplanes help people living in remote regions. They are the first to accept the challenge during incidents or in accidents. The air team is involved in transporting patients, and also advises people by phone and via video. Pediatricians, gynecologists, psychologists, dentists and many other doctors are moving around the country using this service.
Bonus: in Australia you can stumble on "surprises"
The country of Oz can sometimes be very scary. Here, even in the bathroom or the restroom should be on the alert!
Here is such an unusual country - Australia. Have you ever been in it?